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State Ethics investigators to unveil findings from Philly trip probe Tuesday

The RI State Ethics Committee is set to unveil findings from its probe into a Philadelphia business trip by former Governor McKee officials David Patten and James Thorsen.

Rhode Island Current: State ethics Investigators to unveil findings from Philly trip probe Tuesday


This article originally appeared in the Rhode Island Current on March 25, 2024, and was written by Nancy Lavin.  


Below is the Common Cause staff’s quote included in the article following the discussion regarding Ethics Code violations on James Thorsen and David Patten’s business trip to Philadelphia. 


“It’s unlikely Patten or Thorsen will emerge completely unscathed, given that the investigation was launched by the commission itself rather than from an outside complaint being filed, said John Marion, executive director for Common Cause Rhode Island, said.

“I would be very surprised if the Ethics Commission prosecutors filed a complaint themselves if they didn’t think it was a slam dunk,” John Marion said.”

“While there is perhaps less media coverage and public attention on Scout now compared with last summer, the ethics findings are still of public interest and importance, Marion said. “The goal is to punish the people who engage in unethical behavior and ward off future behavior by other public officials,” Marion said.”


To read the full article, click here.