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João Marion

Diretor Executivo, Rhode Island

Common Cause Rhode Island frequentemente fornece comentários sobre questões de reforma democrática. Para falar com John Marion, entre em contato usando as informações de contato acima.


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Projeto para uma Grande Democracia

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Projeto para uma Grande Democracia

Common Cause Rhode Island is sponsoring two free, online events to gather Rhode Islanders’ perspectives on changes to: how government bodies hold public meetings; and how the state holds its elections.

Election Protection Volunteers Will Be at the Polls to Help Rhode Island Voters

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Election Protection Volunteers Will Be at the Polls to Help Rhode Island Voters

Voters can also call nonpartisan hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. On Tuesday, voters who have questions or encounter problems can get help from trained volunteers who are part of the nation’s largest and longest-running nonpartisan voter assistance program.

2020 Census Data Collection to End Tomorrow

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2020 Census Data Collection to End Tomorrow

The last full day for Rhode Islanders to complete the U.S. Census is tomorrow, October 15, 2020. To date, 99% of households in Rhode Island have been contacted by the Census Bureau, but that does not mean every Rhode Islander has been counted. Only 65.3% of households have provided a self-response.

Voting Access Coalition pede ordem executiva para contar cédulas enviadas pelo correio até o dia da eleição e recebidas até 6 de novembro

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Voting Access Coalition pede ordem executiva para contar cédulas enviadas pelo correio até o dia da eleição e recebidas até 6 de novembro

Uma coalizão de 20 grupos comunitários e de direitos de voto pediu que a governadora Gina M. Raimondo emitisse uma ordem executiva permitindo que o Conselho Eleitoral do estado contasse as cédulas com carimbo postal até 3 de novembro e recebidas até 6 de novembro, e contasse todas as cédulas recebidas pelo correio que chegassem em 4 de novembro.

Open Government Groups Call for Reversal of Executive Order Undercutting Transparency in State Rule-Making

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Open Government Groups Call for Reversal of Executive Order Undercutting Transparency in State Rule-Making

The ACLU of Rhode Island, Common Cause Rhode Island, and the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island have asked General Assembly leaders to repeal an Executive Order, (EO 20-72), issued last week by Governor Raimondo that undercuts transparency in government.

Supreme Court Rejects GOP Effort to Force Rhode Islanders to Risk Their Health to Vote During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Supreme Court Rejects GOP Effort to Force Rhode Islanders to Risk Their Health to Vote During COVID-19 Pandemic

In an important win for voting rights, the Supreme Court today rejected efforts to block Rhode Island from eliminating witness/notary requirements for vote by mail in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The state had agreed to drop the requirements via consent decree, resolving a lawsuit brought on behalf of Common Cause of Rhode Island and others.

Grupos respondem ao apelo do RNC e do Partido Republicano de Rhode Island sobre o caso de votação pelo correio na Suprema Corte

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Grupos respondem ao apelo do RNC e do Partido Republicano de Rhode Island sobre o caso de votação pelo correio na Suprema Corte

Duas semanas atrás, o estado de Rhode Island concordou em eliminar os requisitos de testemunha/notário para votação pelo correio durante as eleições de 2020 devido à pandemia da COVID-19, em um decreto de consentimento resolvendo um processo. Hoje, o Comitê Nacional Republicano e o Partido Republicano de Rhode Island buscaram uma suspensão desse decreto de consentimento da Suprema Corte dos EUA.   

Grupos desafiam requisitos de votação por correspondência em Rhode Island que colocam eleitores em risco durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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Grupos desafiam requisitos de votação por correspondência em Rhode Island que colocam eleitores em risco durante a pandemia de COVID-19

O processo busca bloquear disposições de uma lei estadual que exige que os moradores de Rhode Island que votam pelo correio tenham duas testemunhas ou um notário assinando seu envelope de cédula, mesmo em meio a uma pandemia altamente contagiosa e mortal. Esses requisitos exigem interação face a face e corpo a corpo entre eleitores e outros que representam um risco potencialmente fatal à saúde dos eleitores.

17 Organizations Urge State Lawmakers to Pass Bills to Protect Voting Rights During Upcoming Elections

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17 Organizations Urge State Lawmakers to Pass Bills to Protect Voting Rights During Upcoming Elections

In advance of votes expected today in the Rhode Island General Assembly, 17 organizations concerned about voting rights call on the Senate and House of Representatives to pass two bills to protect the right of all Rhode Islanders to vote in the fall elections, and urge Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea to immediately send mail ballot applications to eligible Rhode Island voters for the September 8, 2020 primary election.

Voting Rights Organizations Urge Immediate Action ‘to safeguard the health of voters and preserve access to the ballot’ During Fall Elections

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Voting Rights Organizations Urge Immediate Action ‘to safeguard the health of voters and preserve access to the ballot’ During Fall Elections

In the absence of legislative action, and with only 10 weeks until Rhode Island’s September 8 primary, 16 organizations concerned about voting rights are urging state officials to take “immediate executive actions” to “avoid some of the problems we saw on June 2nd.”

Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea and Voting Rights Groups announce ‘Safe and Healthy Voting in 2020 Act’

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Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea and Voting Rights Groups announce ‘Safe and Healthy Voting in 2020 Act’

Following on the June 2 presidential primary, which saw 83% of all votes cast by mail, a coalition of Rhode Island organizations today announced legislation to implement mail-based voting in the September 8 state primary and the November 3 general election. 



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