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'Rotina implacável': O Conselho Municipal de Providence é um grande trabalho. Alguns membros nem sempre o fazem.

"Certamente o fato de ser um programa com salários muito baixos é um reflexo do valor que permeia há muito tempo os Estados Unidos: que as legislaturas devem ser compostas por cidadãos comuns ou residentes do estado ou cidade que representam."

Este artigo apareceu originalmente in the Providence Journal on January 16, 2024 and was written by Amy Russo.  

Below is executive director John Marion’s comment on reported absences by Providence City Council members. 

“Certainly the fact that it is very low-paying, that’s kind of a reflection of the value that has pervaded for a long time in America – that legislatures should be made up of regular citizens or residents of the state or city that they’re representing,” said John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island. “But we know that it can result in bodies not being necessarily as representative of a community as [they] could be because the lack of pay means that people who don’t have flexible jobs or don’t have a source of wealth that allows them to serve what is a pretty substantial commitment – that creates incentives for certain people to run for [city council].”

Para ler o artigo completo, Clique aqui. 



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