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AG’s office to take over prosecution of misdemeanor charge against RIPTA CEO

The RI Attorney General is set to take over the prosecution of RIPTA CEO Scott Avedisian for a misdemeanor after allegedly leaving the scene of a fender-bender last week.

Rhode Island Current: AG’s office to take over prosecution of misdemeanor charge against RIPTA CEO


This article originally appeared in the Rhode Island Current on April 1, 2024 and was written by Christopher Shea.  


Below is the Common Cause staff’s quote included in the article about the misdemeanor charge against RIPTA CEO Scott Avedisian.  


“They’ve been under a lot of scrutiny, and he’s acting irresponsibly — if not recklessly — with a state vehicle,” said John Marion, executive director for Common Cause Rhode Island.


To read the full article, click here. 



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