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BOE: Not enough time to review alleged signature fraud

State election panel affirms the process worked despite ongoing investigation

This article originally appeared in the Rhode Island Current on August 1, 2023 and was written by Nancy Levin.  

Below is Common Cause Rhode Island executive director John Marion’s comment on reason that the Board of Elections’ cited for why it didn’t take a closer look into alleged signature fraud on Lt. Gov. Sabina Matos campaign nomination papers.

Even with the time constraints, the elections board could have been more proactive in addressing fraud allegations, said John Marion, executive director for Common Cause Rhode Island. Marion said the board could have started a review earlier, even when the Jamestown Board of Canvassers (the first municipality to do so) flagged some of Matos’ signatures.

“The system worked in part, but it didn’t work in other parts,” Marion said in comments after the meeting Tuesday. “I think there was a little wiggle room for more scrutiny at the state level.”

To read the full article, click here. 



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