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Rhode Island Watchdog Group trao giải thưởng cho 4 nhà lãnh đạo cộng đồng

“Thật vinh dự khi được làm việc cùng những người tạo ra sự thay đổi này và trao cho họ sự công nhận mà họ xứng đáng nhận được.” 

Next month, Common Cause Rhode Island will be awarding four outstanding  community leaders for their civic advocacy. 

Marcela Betancur, Jane Koster, Senator Dawn Euer, and Representative Katherine Kazarian will be honored at Common Cause Rhode Island’s Champions of Democracy Celebration and Annual Meeting on October 19.

“Rhode Island is fortunate to have many powerful, effective leaders doing the work needed to make our elections more accessible,” said John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island. “It is a privilege to work beside these change-makers and give them the recognition that they deserve.”

Jane Koster, the recently-retired president of the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, will be honored with the Excellence in Public Service Award for her 13 years as leader of the League and her partnership in advancing voting rights.

Sen. Dawn Euer and Rep. Katharine Kazarian will also be honored with the Excellence in Public Service Award for their sponsorship of the Let RI Vote Act. This groundbreaking legislation, passed in 2022, made voting more accessible for all Rhode Islanders.

Finally, Marcela Betancur, the executive director of the Latino Policy Institute, will be honored with the Emerging Leader Award. In 2023, she led her organization as it became independent of Roger Williams University. She also spearheaded the Latino Policy Institute’s efforts to expand voting rights and was a leader in the state’s successful outreach for Census 2020. 

Tickets to the 2023 Champions of Democracy Celebration & Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 19th at The Guild in Pawtucket are available here:



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