

今天,罗德岛州州长丹尼尔·麦基签署了《让罗德岛投票法案》。这些变化将在 2022 年大选期间生效。

Today, Rhode Island Governor Daniel McKee signed the 让 RI 投票表决 into law. The changes will be in effect for the 2022 election.

“Today Governor McKee signs into law the most sweeping reform to our elections in a generation,” said Marcela Betancur, spokesperson for the Let RI Vote campaign and Executive Director of the Latino Policy Institute. “The Let RI Vote Act will make voting more accessible for thousands of Rhode Island voters, including those with disabilities and language barriers, while also making our elections more secure.”

The Let RI Vote Act improves Rhode Island elections in ways that will make voting more accessible for eligible voters while modernizing processes to make our elections more secure. The Act removes the requirement that mail ballots be accompanied by the signatures of two witnesses or a notary public and requires all municipalities to provide secure mail ballot drop boxes; these practices were used successfully during three statewide elections in 2020. It also requires the state to create a secure online mail ballot application system, conduct more frequent voter roll cleanup, provide a multilingual voter hotline, and shorten the deadline for voters to request a braille ballot, among other improvements. The law finally recognizes that the in-person emergency mail ballot process is called ‘early voting’, which was an incredibly popular option for voters in 2020. 

A coalition of more than 40 community organizations supported the Let RI Vote Act, and the groups’ members sent over 30,000 letters to legislators in support of the measure. It is one the largest grassroots mobilizations for voting rights in modern Rhode Island history.

罗德岛州正在扩大选民的投票权,尽管许多其他州正在通过反选民法案。去年,至少 19 个州通过了限制访问的法律 投票——以及 目前有 40 个州正在等待立法 这将限制选民的权利或者干扰选举管理。


The Let RI Vote campaign is a project of the Rhode Island Voter Access Coalition.


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