
Open Meetings Act

Citizens should be able to observe the deliberations of government.

Transparent government is key to holding power accountable. In Rhode Island the Open Meetings ActAccess to Public Records Act, and Administrative Procedures Act form the foundation of open government. Common Cause continues to fight for improvements to those laws. We also use them to hold power accountable by filing complaints against public bodies when necessary.

In 2017, we supported the successful effort to expand the length of time for public notice of meetings, and require municipalities to post meeting minutes online. Those reforms have made it easier for Rhode Islanders to hold their government accountable.

Now, Common Cause Rhode Island is working to modernize the state’s Open Meetings Act to meet the needs of a 21st century society. Building on lessons learned in the pandemic, we aim to allow some public bodies to meet online, and will require others to live stream their meetings.

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