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Is RI’s early voting period too long? GOP uses Carlson’s dropping out to say yes

Common Cause Rhode Island reminds the RI GOP that early voting was implemented in response to demand for it from voters.

This article originally appeared in the Providence Journal on August 28 2023 and was written by Patrick Anderson.  

In response to the latest attack on early voting, Common Cause Rhode Island Executive Director John Marion Jr. noted that states across the country have early voting periods ranging from three to 45 days, with the average being 20 days, as calculated by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

“Early voting is an option along with voting by mail and on election day,” Marion told The Journal. “It is not a requirement and any voter who is worried about last minute news before an election can choose to wait until election day and many voters afford themselves of that option.”

He said the expansion of early voting came in response to demand for it from voters and has helped reduce the strain on election day voting.

To read the full article, click here. 



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