
Перестаньте позволять кандидатам, проигравшим по результатам народного голосования, побеждать на президентских выборах.

Мы призываем штаты по всей стране присоединиться к Национальному соглашению о всенародном голосовании и прекратить позволять кандидатам, проигравшим по итогам всенародного голосования, побеждать на президентских выборах.


Did you know that two-thirds of voters live in states that presidential candidates almost never visit?

That’s right. Because of our broken Electoral College, presidential hopefuls know that they only need to focus on a few battleground states to win – so they mostly leave the rest of us out and rarely even bother trying to campaign for our vote.

And worse, two of the past six elections have gone to the popular vote loser – meaning two of our most recent presidents failed to get more votes from the American people than their opponent.

That doesn’t sound like a fair democracy by the people to me. Наша демократия не должна придавать голосам некоторых американцев больший вес, чем голосам других.

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV) would ensure that all of our votes count equally when picking our next president – and that the candidate who gets the most votes always wins the presidency. Add your name to tell states to sign on.



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