
Нам нужен РЕАЛЬНЫЙ кодекс поведения Верховного суда

Слабый, добровольный «кодекс поведения» Верховного суда не соответствует тому, что нам нужно. Мы требуем РЕАЛЬНЫХ, реализуемых этических стандартов сейчас.

Конгресс должен принять Закон об этике, отводах и прозрачности Верховного суда и создать максимально строгий кодекс поведения для нашего высшего суда.


New data shows that Justice Clarence Thomas has raked in over $2 million worth of luxury gifts and vacations in the last two decades – more than 4 times as much as every other justice combined. [1] And that’s just the gifts we know about!

This finally puts a dollar amount on the disturbing truth we already knew: Justice Thomas has repeatedly abused his position for personal gain, compromised the integrity of the Court, and violated the trust of We The People he is supposed to serve.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. With the stroke of a pen, these nine justices make far-reaching decisions on reproductive rights, environmental protections, immigration, the freedom to vote, and so much more – affecting millions of people every day.

That’s why Common Cause has been sounding the alarm on Justices’ ethical lapses for over a decade – and your action is critical right now to ensure they are held to the highest ethical standards.

The only way to stop this rampant Supreme Court corruption is for Congress to step in and hold these ethically unreliable justices accountable. Will you join us in demanding a strong Supreme Court code of conduct today?

[1] https://fixthecourt.com/2024/06/a-staggering-tally-supreme-court-justices-accepted-hundreds-of-gifts-worth-millions-of-dollars/



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