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Дорожная карта для справедливых карт в 2030 году


Дорожная карта для справедливых карт в 2030 году

Дорожная карта по справедливым картам в 2030 году содержит подробное изложение выводов первой в истории встречи уполномоченных по перераспределению избирательных округов со всей страны, организованной под руководством людей.
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120 Results


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120 Results


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Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives


Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives

The following recommendations to reform the rules of the House of Representatives will do much to restore the capacity, incentives, and capability of representatives to fulfill their roles as legislators.

Coalition Letters to ALEC Corporate Funders


Coalition Letters to ALEC Corporate Funders

Common Cause has been one of the leading advocacy organizations calling on corporations to cut ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

ALEC in Louisiana: Undercovering the Influence of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in the Louisiana Legislature


ALEC in Louisiana: Undercovering the Influence of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in the Louisiana Legislature

The report reveals which members of the Louisiana legislature have ties to ALEC and which recent state bills can be traced back to the organization. Additionally, the report documents how ALEC abuses its public charity status with the IRS, effectively making its corporate donors eligible for tax breaks for its funding of ALEC.

Democracy Behind Bars


Democracy Behind Bars

How money in politics, felony disenfranchisement and prison gerrymandering fuel mass incarceration and undermine democracy.

Letter to Congress Requesting Oversight Hearings on the Trump Administration’s Dealings with ZTE, the Chinese government, and Ivanka Trump’s Chinese Trademarks


Letter to Congress Requesting Oversight Hearings on the Trump Administration’s Dealings with ZTE, the Chinese government, and Ivanka Trump’s Chinese Trademarks

We respectfully ask you to hold oversight hearings to investigate the Administration’s
interactions with ZTE and the Chinese government to determine if there were any laws and/or regulations that
were broken.

Complaint re: Unreported Payment to Squelch Rumors of Trump’s Illegitimate Child

Юридическая подача

Complaint re: Unreported Payment to Squelch Rumors of Trump’s Illegitimate Child

Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC), alleging reason to believe that President Trump, his 2016 presidential campaign, and American Media, Inc. (AMI) violated campaign contribution limits and reporting requirements through a December 2015 payment of $30,000 to a former doorman at a Trump property. The complaint alleges that the payment was made to squelch rumors of then-candidate Trump having fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower in New York.

Более 300 лидеров движения за гражданские права, вероисповедания и труда требуют контроля за вопросом о гражданстве в переписи населения


Более 300 лидеров движения за гражданские права, вероисповедания и труда требуют контроля за вопросом о гражданстве в переписи населения

Мы настоятельно призываем Комитет по внутренней безопасности и государственным делам как можно скорее провести слушания в порядке надзора по решению министра торговли о добавлении вопроса о гражданстве в десятилетнюю перепись населения.

Complaint against Cambridge Analytica

Юридическая подача

Complaint against Cambridge Analytica

Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC), alleging reason to believe that Cambridge Analytica LTD and its sister company, SCL Group Limited, and numerous employees of the London-based companies repeatedly violated the prohibition on foreign nationals performing certain election-related activities over two U.S. election cycles – including extensive work for the Trump campaign.

Redistricting Resources


Redistricting Resources

From New York to Florida to Ohio to California, Common Cause has been successful in improving the redistricting process and ensuring that our communities' voices are heard in many states. Whether you've been organizing for years or you are new to redistricting, this page of resources is full of tools to help you along the way! Here are some of the keys to success across different states and campaigns.



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