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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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5 ways ALEC denies climate science

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5 ways ALEC denies climate science

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group funded by big oil companies and the Koch brothers, recently threatened legal action against Common Cause for calling them “climate change deniers.” So, it begs the question: Does ALEC’s complaint have merit? Well, here are the facts:

SCOTUS Takes on Unfair Racial Gerrymandering

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SCOTUS Takes on Unfair Racial Gerrymandering

Today the U.S. Supreme Court made it easier to challenge unfair racial gerrymanders done for partisan advantage.

Who Still Funds ALEC?

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Who Still Funds ALEC?

Here are some of the corporations that still put their money behind ALEC, despite widespread criticism of the organization for its secretive operations and controversial agenda, and increasing calls from shareholders for more transparency about corporate lobbying activities.

4 of JFK’s Best Quotes For St. Patrick’s Day

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4 of JFK’s Best Quotes For St. Patrick’s Day

This St. Patrick's Day, we're taking a look at the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our first Irish-American president.

Opening Democracy’s Door

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Opening Democracy’s Door

With the stroke of her pen, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown opened democracy's door to more than 300,000 Oregonians on Monday.

Top Federal Contractors Disclosed Political Spending Tripled Over the Last Decade. But What About Their Undisclosed Spending?

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Top Federal Contractors Disclosed Political Spending Tripled Over the Last Decade. But What About Their Undisclosed Spending?

As President Obama faces more calls to sign an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their dark money political spending, the top federal contractors continue to dump big money in U.S. elections.

Looking Back to Move Forward on the Voting Rights Act

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Looking Back to Move Forward on the Voting Rights Act

This Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, when 600 peaceful marchers, attempting to walk from Selma to Montgomery to protest the denial of voting rights to African-Americans, were attacked by police with tear gas and clubs.

Young Oregonians speak out on Motor Voter

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Young Oregonians speak out on Motor Voter

The Common Cause Oregon interns shared their thoughts on the groundbreaking election reform bill



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