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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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You spoke out, and we delivered!

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You spoke out, and we delivered!

We asked you what they'd tell President Obama to do to fix our democracy -- and now we've shared your responses with the White House

Will The New FCC Chair Fight For Reform?

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Will The New FCC Chair Fight For Reform?

The President nominated Tom Wheeler to replace Julius Genachowski as the next FCC Chair yesterday.

Who’s behind the Boston mayoral SuperPACs?

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Who’s behind the Boston mayoral SuperPACs?

$2.8 million and counting! That’s how much money outside groups like SuperPACs have spent to support or oppose Boston mayoral candidates Martin Walsh and John Connolly.

When “Independent” Expenditures Aren’t

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When “Independent” Expenditures Aren’t

Let me get this straight, the DGA has a right to call money raised by the Governor and spent on his behalf "independent?"



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