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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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Troubled Times for the First Amendment

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Troubled Times for the First Amendment

When the Constitution’s authors crafted the initial amendments to that document, the freedoms of speech and the press were part of the First Amendment. So every American should be on the alert for threats to First Amendment freedoms and troubled anytime First Amendment rights are violated.

Grounds for Impeachment Are a Political, Not a Legal, Question

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Grounds for Impeachment Are a Political, Not a Legal, Question

In recent days, amid reports of President Trump’s involvement with the FBI investigation of Russia’s meddling in last year’s election, many have wondered whether the president is guilty of obstruction of justice and if such an offense would be impeachable.

Special Counsel Will Help, But Russia-Trump Probe Still Needs Independent Commission

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Special Counsel Will Help, But Russia-Trump Probe Still Needs Independent Commission

As welcome news about the appointment of a special counsel arrived on Wednesday night, Americans got another reminder of the how much work is still needed before we can be confident that the truth ultimately will emerge.

Republicans May Be Turning on Trump

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Republicans May Be Turning on Trump

Uneasy for months about a president who courts chaos while hopeful he could help them achieve long-held conservative goals, congressional Republicans are beginning to send a new message: Sorry, Mr. President, I don’t think we can let this go.

Nothing to See Here

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Nothing to See Here

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republicans accused Hillary Clinton of mishandling classified information and even demanded her indictment. Today, as President Trump has admitted sharing classified information with Russia, GOP leaders are more forgiving.

Supreme Court Refuses to Restore Restrictive NC Voting Law

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Supreme Court Refuses to Restore Restrictive NC Voting Law

Greater access to voting in North Carolina has been restored! The U.S. Supreme Court declined today to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that a North Carolina voting law passed in 2013 is unconstitutional and discriminates against African-Americans.

Administration Looks to Hide Thousands of Government Records

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Administration Looks to Hide Thousands of Government Records

A disturbing report in this morning’s Washington Post details what appears to be a Trump administration effort to shroud tens of thousands of government records that had been readily available to Americans online.

Attempt to Gut Florida’s Ban on Partisan Gerrymandering Fails

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Attempt to Gut Florida’s Ban on Partisan Gerrymandering Fails

Redistricting reform advocates stopped an attempt to place severe limits on the ability of Floridians to use the state’s Fair Districts Amendments to hold legislators accountable for gerrymandering.

Finding Wisdom, Inspiration in the Great Southwest

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Finding Wisdom, Inspiration in the Great Southwest

This is a tough time for democracy reformers in Washington. So I was particularly pleased last week to get away from the national capital for a few days to meet Common Cause activists – and some new recruits – in Arizona and New Mexico.

‘His Own Worst Enemy’

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‘His Own Worst Enemy’

President Trump's tweets this morning about fired FBI Director James Comey have Washington lawyers consulting their impeachment archives from the Nixon and Clinton years.

Starting a Bogus Investigation, Strangling a Real One

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Starting a Bogus Investigation, Strangling a Real One

To get a sense of the Neverland President Trump and his administration are creating in Washington, consider what’s happening today at the White House.

Comey’s Out, But the Russia-Trump Probe Must Continue

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Comey’s Out, But the Russia-Trump Probe Must Continue

There were plenty of good reasons to fire James Comey, but President Trump’s decision to dismiss him now is indefensible and the White House’s explanation for it is laughable,



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