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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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Deal With Bahrain Revives Questions About Trump’s Conflicts

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Deal With Bahrain Revives Questions About Trump’s Conflicts

President Trump’s promise of an “America First” policy has changed the tune of American politics. But the president’s acts raise questions about whether “America First” means a focus on US interests, or the interests of President Trump himself.

Another Red Flag on the Internet Privacy Bill

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Another Red Flag on the Internet Privacy Bill

A column in today’s Washington Post by Paul Ohm, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and faculty director of the Georgetown Center on Privacy and Technology raises more red flags on congressional action this week that would permit internet service providers (ISPs) sell information about the browsing habits of their customers.

Big Money’s Hidden Role in Defeating Trump-Ryan Health Bill

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Big Money’s Hidden Role in Defeating Trump-Ryan Health Bill

While progressive grassroots activists rallied Democrats and some moderate Republicans to vote no on President Trump’s and Speaker Ryan’s American Health Care Act (AHCA) last week, a shadowy network of political advocacy groups headed by Charles and David Koch likely dealt the bill its death blow.

Blue Is the New Black

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Blue Is the New Black

Most Americans are familiar with the grainy images of our nation’s Civil Rights struggles. But behind the pictures of Rosa Parks on the bus and lunch counter sit-ins was something more profound than a seat on a bus or at a restaurant.

Devin Nunes’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

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Devin Nunes’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is having a tough time of it. His mishandling of the committee’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election has triggered calls for him to surrender leadership of that probe – and even to give up his chairmanship entirely.

Big Telecom and Big Cable Score Another Big Win

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Big Telecom and Big Cable Score Another Big Win

Ever notice that when you go shopping online, ads for whatever you were shopping for show up in your Facebook and Twitter feeds and on other web pages you visit? Action in Congress on Tuesday dramatically increased the likelihood that you’ll soon be seeing even more such ads.

‘A Perversion of What the Internet Was Supposed to Be’

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‘A Perversion of What the Internet Was Supposed to Be’

Congress has knuckled under to Big Telecom and Big Cable on internet privacy. If the bill passed today is signed by the president, broadband providers will have free rein to sell user data to the highest bidder - without ever informing consumers.”

Arizona Pushes Plan for Constitutional Chaos

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Arizona Pushes Plan for Constitutional Chaos

Thanks to the Arizona legislature, we’re getting perilously close to a constitutional disaster. Copper State lawmakers this week made Arizona the 29th state to call for a new constitutional convention to pass an amendment requiring the federal budget to be balanced.

Nunes Fiasco Strengthens Case for Independent Probe of Russia-Trump Connections

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Nunes Fiasco Strengthens Case for Independent Probe of Russia-Trump Connections

The case for an independent commission to investigate Russia’s interference in last year’s election, perhaps including “wise men” (and women) like Colin Powell, Sandra Day O’Connor, George Mitchell, and Jimmy Carter, plus a special prosecutor, is getting stronger by the hour.

On BCRA’s Anniversary, A Reminder

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On BCRA’s Anniversary, A Reminder

On the 15th anniversary of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), it’s worth noting that not so long ago there was a bipartisan consensus that our campaign finance system is corroding our democracy and a bipartisan commitment to improve it.


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It’s a challenge to pick the worst of the furnace-hot verbiage spewing forth from the new Administration; there is just so much to choose from. But to me, one completely frightening statement stands out. It is “deconstructing the administrative state” as the stated purpose of the Trump team. If this statement doesn’t motivate citizens to action, what will?

Trump promotes secret money group

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Trump promotes secret money group

The White House's connections to "America First Policies" raises national security concerns



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