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Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 


Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 

Вашингтон — Common Cause, беспартийная организация по надзору, опубликовала свою «Карту показателей демократии» за 2024 год, в которой зафиксирована поддержка каждым членом Конгресса права голоса, этики Верховного суда и других реформ.  

Контакты для СМИ

Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям

Ариана Мармолехо

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Запад)

Дженнифер Гарсия

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Юг)

Кенни Колстон

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Средний Запад)

Эксперты Common Cause по реформам демократии на национальном и государственном уровне часто выступают в качестве комментаторов в СМИ. Чтобы поговорить с одним из наших экспертов, свяжитесь с любым членом пресс-группы, указанной выше.


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4028 результатов


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North Carolina Public Radio/WUNC: Let the litigation begin: A federal lawsuit seeks to block new North Carolina Senate district map

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North Carolina Public Radio/WUNC: Let the litigation begin: A federal lawsuit seeks to block new North Carolina Senate district map

"The two ends of that district have nothing in common," Ann Webb, policy director at Common Cause North Carolina, argued at the time, referring specifically to Senate District 2. "They are far from one another; they have different communities, and they should not be gerrymandered into a district together."

Seattle Times (Op-Ed): Restore net neutrality, crucial to democracy

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Seattle Times (Op-Ed): Restore net neutrality, crucial to democracy

The battle for network neutrality (aka the open internet) is back. The chair of the Federal Communications Commission, with a new majority finally in place after almost three years of a deadlocked 2-2 commission caused by a dawdling Senate, has started the ball rolling toward a vote, which hopefully will happen early in the new year. It’s something that should have been instituted years ago.

The Guardian: Ohio voted to protect abortion rights. Republicans are scheming to undo it

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The Guardian: Ohio voted to protect abortion rights. Republicans are scheming to undo it

“There is a disconnect between what voters want and what the legislature wants,” said Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio. “It just highlights how gerrymandered the state legislature is.”

Delaware News Journal (Editorial): Hall-Long’s campaign audit reveals a stark reality: Delaware deserves greater transparency

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Delaware News Journal (Editorial): Hall-Long’s campaign audit reveals a stark reality: Delaware deserves greater transparency

We join Delaware Common Cause and the Delaware Coalition for Open Government in calling on Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long to release an audit of her campaign finances — even though she is not required to do so by Delaware Law.

Claire Snyder-Hall, Common Cause Delaware’s executive Director, joined Flaherty in asking Hall-Long’s campaign to disclose the audit.

“The audit confirms the campaign’s claim there is no wrongdoing, so sharing that would go a long way to rebuilding public trust,” Snyder-Hall said.

Common Cause/NY требует от Конгресса исключить Джорджа Сантоса


Common Cause/NY требует от Конгресса исключить Джорджа Сантоса

В ответ на срочные новости о том, что Комитет по этике Палаты представителей опубликовал 56-страничный отчет, в котором делается вывод о том, что представитель Джордж Сантос нарушил федеральный закон, Сьюзан Лернер, исполнительный директор Common Cause/NY, заявила:

«Сегодняшний двухпартийный отчет Комитета по этике Палаты представителей по установлению фактов ясно показывает, что г-н Сантос не подходит для государственной должности. Осознавая серьезность средства правовой защиты в виде исключения, Common Cause/NY ждала, пока процесс не завершится должным образом. Теперь мы и Палата представителей...

The Economist: An FBI investigation raises questions about Eric Adams

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The Economist: An FBI investigation raises questions about Eric Adams

New York City has strong campaign-finance laws. "They work because otherwise we would not know about these contributions," says Susan Lerner of Common Cause, a watchdog.

The Capital Times: The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ugly politics, explained

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The Capital Times: The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ugly politics, explained

“The danger (with rhetoric surrounding impeaching Protasiewicz) is that you undermine significant confidence in the court,” said Jay Heck, executive director of the good government group Common Cause Wisconsin. “But one of the problems we have now is that’s not just a function of this past election, that is a function of things that have been occurring going back to 1997.

“This is long-term. This is 25 years in the making.”

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Voting rights groups call for investigation of Election Day problems in Northampton County

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Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Voting rights groups call for investigation of Election Day problems in Northampton County

The groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, Common Cause PA, All Voting is Local, PA Voice, Action Together NEPA, and PA Stands Up, called for a full investigation and a report to provide transparency for the public.

“The county’s conflicting messages to the public on Election Day led to confusion, concern, and doubt in the security and accuracy of votes. These mistakes grow into misinformation,” said Philip Hensley-Robin, executive director of Common Cause PA.

Кодекс этики Верховного суда США — первый шаг, на котором должен основываться Конгресс  


Кодекс этики Верховного суда США — первый шаг, на котором должен основываться Конгресс  

Сегодня днем Верховный суд США объявил, что примет кодекс этики. Этот шаг последовал за серией скандалов с участием судей Верховного суда, которые всплыли в последние месяцы. Объявление также было сделано в то время, когда Судебный комитет Сената уже выдвинул законопроект о создании кодекса этики для Верховного суда и на этой неделе должен проголосовать за повестки для свидетелей, оказавшихся в центре некоторых из недавних скандалов.

National Voting Rights Organization: Let Election Workers Do Their Job


National Voting Rights Organization: Let Election Workers Do Their Job

Today, Common Cause, a national, nonpartisan voting rights organization is urging all Americans to let election workers do their job in response to reports of election offices receiving threatening letters, some laced with fentanyl. The letters were sent to offices in California, Georgia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington following the November 7 election.

Raleigh News & Observer: The first elections with voter ID in NC are done. What was the impact?

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Raleigh News & Observer: The first elections with voter ID in NC are done. What was the impact?

“We know it does create another impediment for people trying to get to the polls,” said Ann Webb, policy director at Common Cause North Carolina, a group that has sued to stop gerrymandering and new restrictions on voting.

Webb said the voter ID requirement is part an effort by Republican lawmakers to narrow access to voting. “We like to say, ‘In 2023 there will be voter ID. In 2024, there will be more,’” Webb said.

Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): Ethics issues likely affected Albuquerque city elections

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Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): Ethics issues likely affected Albuquerque city elections

Restoring public trust in government and elected officials has been the major thrust of Common Cause since its founding in the 1970s, when Watergate and Vietnam led to widespread disbelief that presidents and top officials were telling the truth. Fast forward 50 years, and public trust has declined even further — despite the efforts of many reformers to tighten ethical standards, require transparent campaign reporting, and safeguard elections.



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