
Internet Access For All

Internet access has become crucial for participating in our Democracy. Yet the digital divide prevents over 4 million Americans from accessing internet connection.

The Digital Divide is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

Illustration of people in homes on devices looking up the following election information questions Am I Registered To Vote? What do i need to bring to vote? Who is on my ballot? Am i eligible to vote?

Why is Internet Access a Democracy Issue?

In the modern age, the internet is necessary for access to education, health care, and connection to friends and family. The past decade has also confirmed that internet access is crucial to actively participating in our modern democracy. Our phones, tablets, and laptops have become tools for:

  • Checking voter registration status online
  • Accessing voting instructions, wait times,  and deadlines
  • Looking up information about candidates/ ballot issues
  • Sharing election information with community members

The Digital Divide Leaves 1 in 5 Americans Disconnected. illustration of 4 houses and an apartment buildings with internet access. One of the houses does not have internet.

Why is the Digital Divide a problem?

1 in 5 Americans cannot afford the internet connection they need to participate as equals in our modern society.

This Digital Divide impacts the Black, Latine, Indigenous, Older, Low Income, and Disabled communities the most. These communities often exist in Information gaps making them vulnerable to mis and disinformation about our democratic process.

The Digital Divide by the Numbers


of white americans have access to home internet



of Black americans have access to home internet



Of Suburban homes have access to home internet



Of Rural Homes have access to home internet



of Tribal Rural lands have access to home internet



of Americans report using the internet almost constantly


What is Internet like where you live?

What is Internet like where you live?

Help us hold power accountable to protecting our Digital Civil Rights!
We are looking for stories from everyday Americans on media issues that impact our lives, our access to reliable information, and participation in our democracy.

First look at what broadband looks like in your area and compare to other areas.

Second- Submit a challenge if the FCC map is inaccurate

Last- Tell us more about how internet access impacts your daily life

View the FCC's National Broadband Map Share your Story

Что мы делаем

Common Cause v. Rucho


Common Cause v. Rucho

In the landmark redistricting case, the Supreme Court declined to halt gerrymandering. In response, we are ramping up our state-level efforts.
Статья V Кампания


Статья V Кампания

Богатые спонсоры, корпорации и радикально-правые деятели продвигают призывы к принятию Конвенции по статье V в штатах по всей стране, чтобы изменить нашу Конституцию в своих интересах.

Пугает то, что им не хватает всего нескольких штатов, чтобы добиться успеха.
Moore v. Harper


Moore v. Harper

Common Cause took the fight for free and fair elections all the way to the Supreme Court and won.
Защита выборов


Защита выборов

Наши голоса — это наш голос в определении будущего наших сообществ и страны. Common Cause мобилизует волонтеров, чтобы помочь избирателям ориентироваться в процессе голосования.
People Funded Elections


People Funded Elections

People funded elections help break down barriers to participating in our democracy, creating a government that looks like us and works for us.

Ваша финансовая поддержка помогает нам оказывать влияние привлечение власти к ответственности и укрепление демократии.


Позиционный документ

Как Раздел II защищает наши цифровые гражданские права



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