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All Rise for Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!

History has just been made – with a bipartisan vote, the Senate confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Countless Common Cause activists like you helped bring us to this monumental point. Over the past few weeks, tens of thousands of you signed petitions, made calls to your senators, and submitted letters to the editor.

Thank you for your tireless commitment to our democracy.

Notably, three Republican senators – Senators Collins, Romney, and Murkowski – voted with their Democratic colleagues to confirm Judge Jackson. They did so after our team of hardworking volunteers phonebanked people daily in Maine, Utah, and Alaska, generating a ton of calls into these senators’ offices.

It’s rewarding to see these grassroots efforts make a real and lasting impact. We must remember: no matter what our democracy is up against, We the People have the power.

Judge Jackson’s wealth of experience and tireless commitment to justice for all make her an exceptional addition to the Supreme Court. The perspective she will bring as a former public defender, member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and more will strengthen public confidence in the Court.

Plus, her confirmation brings an end to the historical shame of more than two centuries without a Black woman on the bench.

Judge Jackson is the first Supreme Court nominee that Common Cause called on the Senate to confirm. In the coming years, the Court will likely make decisions that impact the freedom to vote, Big Money’s role in elections, government ethics… nearly every democracy issue that you and I care about.

We’re thrilled that these decisions will now be influenced by an immensely qualified jurist who will ensure that each and every one of us is treated equally under the law.

Will you help us celebrate Judge Jackson’s momentous achievement today by taking these three steps?

1) Call Your Senators: Reach out to your senators and, if you don’t already know, ask them if they voted to confirm Judge Jackson. If they did, thank them for their vote – and if they didn’t, urge them to support pro-democracy judicial nominees going forward.

2) Tell Your Friends: Urge three friends or family members to call their senators, too! We need senators who supported Judge Jackson to know that we appreciate their leadership – and senators who opposed her should be held accountable to their constituents.

3) Volunteer With Us: Our team of volunteer phonebankers helped Judge Jackson secure a historic bipartisan confirmation vote. Now, we’ll focus on making sure states enact reforms that protect the freedom to vote ahead of this year’s midterms. Sign up to join us.

Some Senate Republicans tried every dirty trick they could think of to derail Judge Jackson’s confirmation. During her hearings, these reactionaries bombarded her with baseless, infuriating, and even racist questions – trying to smear her name and tarnish her reputation.

But today, thanks to your help – democracy won. We hope we can continue to count on you for the fights that lie just ahead.



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