
Justice Must Come from the Courts After GOP Senators Refuse to Convict Twice-Impeached Trump 

Americans remain united in their condemnation of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and still expect those responsible to be held accountable. Today, the Senate fell just 10 votes shy of the two-thirds majority required to convict twice-impeached former President Donald Trump to hold him accountable for orchestrating and inciting the bloody attack on our democracy that left five people dead, and came dangerously close to many more deaths. Too many GOP Senators, fearing continued bullying from Donald Trump and primary challenges from extremists, chose political expediency and their own reelection over the safety of the nation and the well-being of our democracy.

Americans remain united in their condemnation of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6й and still expect those responsible to be held accountable. Today, the Senate fell just 10 votes shy of the two-thirds majority required to convict twice-impeached former President Donald Trump to hold him accountable for orchestrating and inciting the bloody attack on our democracy that left five people dead, and came dangerously close to many more deaths. Too many GOP Senators, fearing continued bullying from Donald Trump and primary challenges from extremists, chose political expediency and their own reelection over the safety of the nation and the well-being of our democracy.

But the fact is that those Senators who voted not to convict were elected and swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and their country. That means stepping up as leaders, and putting aside their own trivial concerns to protect our democracy. Their votes will go down in history as the ultimate betrayal to their constituents, their country and our Constitution.

Despite the fact that more than 40 Republican Senators looked the other way, the quest for justice does not end today. Justice for the American people must now come from the courts, congressional investigations, and ultimately from voters. The former president still faces numerous investigations focused on apparent criminal misconduct both before and after Election Day. Those investigations must have their day in court, and those cases will be decided by judges and juries not focused on fear of alienating Trump-supporting constituents. Justice must be served – both in the courts and at the ballot box.

While 57 Senators voted to convict Trump of inciting the violent insurrection at the United States Capitol, the other 43 Trump apologists will have to live with their votes and the fact that history will remember them for choosing political expediency over the best interests of the nation they swore an oath to protect and serve.




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