
Trump Must Be Impeached and Removed from Office as Quickly as Possible

President Trump must be impeached and removed from office as quickly as possible. After inciting his supporters to violently storm the U.S. Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of Joe Biden as our next President, Donald Trump cannot remain in our nation’s highest office. President Trump has blood on his hands.

President Trump must be impeached and removed from office as quickly as possible. After inciting his supporters to violently storm the U.S. Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of Joe Biden as our next President, Donald Trump cannot remain in our nation’s highest office. President Trump has blood on his hands.

Today, less than 18 hours after issuing a recorded message purporting to acknowledge Congressional certification of his defeat, Donald Trump again took to his Twitter account to stir up his supporters who include the mob that defiled the Capitol in a violent insurrection that caused five deaths. That followed his months-long effort to deceive his supporters with disinformation about the election and more recently his attempts to bully and intimidate state officials to strike the votes thousands of American citizens in largely Black and brown communities.

Donald Trump remains a clear and present danger to the nation. It is long past time for Republicans in Congress to put their country before their party and join Democrats to impeach President Trump before he further endangers the nation.

We urge Speaker Pelosi to bring articles of impeachment against Donald Trump to a vote of the full House as rapidly as possible. We also urge Majority Leader McConnell to immediately convene the full U.S. Senate and convict the President — so that he may be removed and disqualified from ever again holding public office before his erratic, reckless, and dangerous behavior leads to any more bloodshed or other damage to our nation and our democracy.



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