
Senate Must Reject Efforts to Undermine the Mueller Investigation by Changing the Department of Justice’s Chain of Command

Americans deserve to know the truth about the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential race. The statements of Chairman Grassley and Senator Graham that they expect to help President Trump confirm a replacement for Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the elections are irresponsible at this time. President Trump should not receive any cover for corruptly replacing the attorney general to appoint a loyalist who will undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.

Americans deserve to know the truth about the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential race. The statements of Chairman Grassley and Senator Graham that they expect to help President Trump confirm a replacement for Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the elections are irresponsible at this time. President Trump should not receive any cover for corruptly replacing the attorney general to appoint a loyalist who will undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.

President Trump has repeatedly tried to demand absolute loyalty from top law enforcement officials and has fired some who choose to fulfill their constitutional duties rather than following the orders of a president whose administration, campaign, and business interests are mired in scandals, federal investigations, indictments and convictions.

Jeff Sessions is an attorney general whose nomination Common Cause opposed and whose actions in the office have done damage to a variety of democratic institutions, but at least he recused himself from oversight of the Special Counsel’s investigation due to clear conflicts of interest. His recusal appears to be the reason Trump continues to threaten Sessions, notwithstanding the fact that the attorney general has supported and implemented the president’s racist and divisive policies.

Similarly, on the House side, partisan threats to impeach or hold Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt are reckless and undemocratic. The Special Counsel’s investigation continues to uncover crimes, hand down indictments, and secure convictions against Trump associates. Most importantly the investigation is getting to the truth behind a blatant attack on our democracy but a hostile foreign nation.

History and the American people will not look kindly on any Member of Congress who abets President Trump in obstructing the Special Counsel’s investigation.




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