
Common Cause North Carolina statement on federal court striking down NC voter ID law

Common Cause North Carolina responds to North Carolina's anti-voter law being struck down

RALEIGH – On Friday, the federal 4th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down sweeping voting restrictions enacted by the NC legislature. Common Cause North Carolina is among the plaintiffs that challenged the constitutionality of that law.

In addition to overturning North Carolina’s voter ID requirement, the decision reinstates same-day voter registration, restores a week to the early voting period and allows out-of-precinct voting. It also restores the opportunity of pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds.

The following is a statement from Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina, in response to the court ruling:

“Today’s decision is a big win for all North Carolina voters and a victory for everyone who believes in an inclusive democracy. We are pleased that the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals recognized that the restrictions enacted by the legislature hurt North Carolinians by creating unnecessary and discriminatory barriers to voting. This decision is a vital step in returning North Carolina to its position as a national leader on voting rights and equal access to the polls.”



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