2424 results

Miller v. Thurston

Locked ballot box

Virginia Returning Citizens

Common Cause Virginia is campaigning to restore voting rights to returning citizens who served time for their felony convictions.

Associated Press: Electronic voting worries security experts. Nevada touts safeguards as it expands it to tribes

Susannah Goodman, director of election security for Common Cause, is among those concerned that there are no federal guidelines for such systems and no independent reviews, unlike what’s in place for voting machines and ballot tabulators.

An attempt to create independent standards ended in late 2022 after a group of experts determined it wasn’t possible at the time given the technology and cyber risks.

Citizens Not Politicians Letter to the Editor

Write Your Letter: Lower The Voting Age to 16!

Да! Я спонсирую волонтера и защищу права избирателей!

В Common Cause мы работаем круглый год, чтобы наши выборы работали – включая выдвижение групп по защите выборов в штатах по всей стране на праймериз, досрочном голосовании и в День выборов в ноябре! Наши волонтеры играют решающую роль в прекращении нападок на наше право голоса. Но обучение и размещение этих волонтеров требует больших ресурсов. Обучение и размещение одного волонтера, который затем может помочь десяткам избирателей, стоит $50. Наш конец...

Amicus Brief in support of the Clean Missouri ballot initiative

Common Cause and three Republican current and former state senators filed an amicus brief in the Western District Court of Appeals of Missouri in support of Amendment 1, the Clean Missouri-supported constitutional amendment to make government more responsive to the people. The brief argues that Amendment 1 contains commonsense and nonpartisan good government reforms that the people of Missouri should have the opportunity to vote on in November.

Unlimited and Undisclosed: The Religious Right’s Crusade to Deregulate Political Spending

Common Cause’s report, “Unlimited and Undisclosed: The Religious Right’s Crusade to Deregulate Political Spending,” focuses on how one particular interest group has waged war on important campaign finance laws in order to allow more big money in our political system.

Эвенвел против Эбботта

Верховный суд признал, что право на равное представительство требует, чтобы перераспределение избирательных округов, будь то на уровне штата или Конгресса, основывалось на принципе «Мы, народ», а не на какой-то подгруппе населения.



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