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High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Press Release

High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Washington — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  

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High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Press Release

High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Washington — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  

High Scores for Vermont on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Press Release

High Scores for Vermont on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

VERMONT — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  

Low Scores for Iowa on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Press Release

Low Scores for Iowa on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

IOWA — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  

High Scores for Nevada on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

Press Release

High Scores for Nevada on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics."

High Scores for New Jersey on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

Press Release

High Scores for New Jersey on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics."

Common Cause Statement on Second Security Incident Involving Donald Trump

Press Release

Common Cause Statement on Second Security Incident Involving Donald Trump

WASHINGTON—The following is a statement from Common Cause President & CEO Virginia Kase Solomón.

“No political leader should have to fear for their safety. We are glad that former President Donald Trump is unharmed after yesterday’s potential assassination attempt.

We call on the federal agencies, including Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Justice to conduct a full investigation into the incident and ensure both presidential candidates remain safe in this heightened threat environment.

Common Cause Releases Scorecard of Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 118th Congress

Press Release

Common Cause Releases Scorecard of Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 118th Congress

Today, Common Cause released its 2024 Democracy Scorecard, tracking the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy during the 118th Congress. Throughout this Congress, members of the House and Senate were notified that various votes on key democracy issues – including voting rights, judicial ethics and campaign finance disclosure - would be counted in the Scorecard, which will be distributed to our 1.5 million members, allies, and state and national media.  

FCC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content

Press Release

FCC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content

Today, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry, and a number of other concerned organizations, filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a rulemaking urging the agency to address disclosure and transparency of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content in political advertisements on the nation’s airwaves. The groups warn of the dangers posed by the new technology in an era when political disinformation is widespread and the public has...

Groups Urge Census Changes to Accurately Count Prison Populations For Redistricting

Press Release

Groups Urge Census Changes to Accurately Count Prison Populations For Redistricting

Today, Common Cause and the Prison Policy Initiative urged the U.S. Census Bureau to change how it counts prison populations each decade. The Bureau’s use of differential privacy, the intentional infusion of inaccurate information into population data, creates unnecessary miscounts in data used by state and local officials for redistricting. In a letter to Director Robert L. Santos and other senior officials, the groups emphasized that the populations of correctional facilities are already publicly available and that differential privacy is...

From Corruption to Accountability: Reforming Pay-to-Play Politics in Atlanta

Press Release

From Corruption to Accountability: Reforming Pay-to-Play Politics in Atlanta

For decades, the city of Atlanta has faced institutionalized corruption, hindering its potential as a cultural, business, and international hub. Common Cause Georgia exposed this corruption through a new report titled “The Atlanta Way: Examining Pay-to-Play."

A long way to go: Voters of color are still waiting for the promise of the VRA

Press Release

A long way to go: Voters of color are still waiting for the promise of the VRA

Fifty-nine years ago on Tuesday, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, saying “it is not enough just to give men rights. They must be able to use those rights in their personal pursuit of happiness.”

What is Project 2025?

Press Release

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a dangerous policy playbook being pushed by extremists. It could threaten basic freedoms by gutting checks and balances and consolidating power in the office of the president, like other authoritarian governments.



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