
From Corruption to Accountability: Reforming Pay-to-Play Politics in Atlanta

For decades, the city of Atlanta has faced institutionalized corruption, hindering its potential as a cultural, business, and international hub. Common Cause Georgia exposed this corruption through a new report titled “The Atlanta Way: Examining Pay-to-Play."

The Background

For decades, the city of Atlanta has faced institutionalized corruption, hindering its potential as a cultural, business, and international hub. Often referred to as “the Atlanta way,” politicians prioritize the interests of wealthy donors and major industries over the needs of everyday constituents.

This pay-to-play model distorts the fundamentals of democracy, allowing a few wealthy interests to influence major city decisions. Decades of bribes and favoritism have normalized the pay-to-play model, resulting in a biased city council, a privileged elite, and a neglected majority.


The Specifics

Common Cause Georgia exposed this corruption through a new report titled “The Atlanta Way: Examining Pay-to-Play.”The report details the dollar-for-dollar influence of corporate donors on city politics.

The current report builds on an earlier report, “The Atlanta Way: Cop City and Pay-to-Play,” which highlighted the controversial $110 million training facility for local law enforcement, known as “Cop City.” In collaboration with the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF), the city council pushed forward with the project despite significant concerns from environmental activists and local residents. The project reflects a clear preference for the interests of wealthy donors over those of local voters and thus impairs democratic integrity.


The Solution

An open and accountable government ensures that voters can understand and participate in the decision-making processes and policies that directly impact them.

To achieve this, Common Cause advocates for the following key changes in Georgia’s election funding:

  • End contributions from entities doing or seeking business with the city of Atlanta
  • Encourage City of Atlanta council members to pledge their support to eliminate pay-to-play politics
  • Amplify the voices of everyday Americans by using small dollar donor driven campaigns, rather than big money

For more detailed information, please read the full report here.



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