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Common Cause Members Report in from the Field

Tens of thousands of you nationwide have called, emailed, or met with their U.S. representatives and urged them to support an impeachment investigation. Meet a few of these champions of democracy.

Ken in California

Goal: Pressuring Rep. Ami Bera (D) to support.

“I had a very good visit to Ami Bera's field office in Sacramento. He was not there so I talked to two members of his staff and gave them a copy of the Common Cause letter plus one I had written encouraging Representative Bera to call for an impeachment inquiry. The staff members were friendly, receptive to what I had to say, and said they would pass along the letters and what I had today to Representative Bera.”

Mimi in Pennsylvania

Goal: Pressuring Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R) to support.

“I went and only spoke to the nice young man in Lloyd Smucker’s office! He wrote down all the blah-blah I said!! I showed up!! and told about my concerns. All we can do is show up and speak out!! Thanks for all you do to help make change!! I am an artist and poet! that believes our democracy is at stake!! Xoxo”

Charlotte in Ohio

Goal: Pressuring Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D) to support.

“Marcy was not there but I talked with the office manager. We discussed the impeachment inquiry, gerrymandering, Mitch McConnell and AG Barr. I chewed his ear for an hour!”

Joni in Oregon

Goal: Pressuring Rep. Kurt Schrader (D) to support.

“We live in this fear of what the Pres will do next and who will die as a result. I got a little emotional actually. Because I truly am scared. I have never done this before. Never been involved in any type of politics. It felt good. I feel like I did something and that feels positive. Here is a photo of my friend Michelle and I who went to Schrader’s office.”

Mark in New Mexico

Goal: Convincing Rep. Deb Haaland (D) to support.

“I visited Rep. Haaland and delivered the Common Cause letter. The next day she called for an inquiry! We need an impeachment inquiry because Mueller did NOT exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice.”



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