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Virginia Legislators – Pass Redistricting Reform Today

Dear Virginia Legislator,

Common Cause is a nonpartisan good government watchdog organization dedicated to holding government accountable.  One of our priorities is ensuing that voters have a voice in their government by voting in fair districts.

A solid proposal to reform the way districts are drawn in Virginia has made its way out of conference committee and onto the floor of both chambers for a vote. Passing SJ306 is an important step toward fair districts for Virginians.  We urge you to VOTE YES on SJ 306 Conference Committee Report. 

The bill would:

  • Create a commission with a combination of politicians and citizens;
  • Ensure that the redistricting process is open and transparent by requiring public hearings and open commission meetings;
  • Prevent gerrymandering by including anti-gerrymandering language that prohibits drawing districts to advantage or disadvantage any elected official or political party.

To be clear, reforming the redistricting process is not about taking away power from one party and giving it to another.  Instead, redistricting reform is about putting the power to select elected representatives where it belongs: with the voters.

Reforming the redistricting process in Virginia must happen now.  This bill will need passage in two legislative sessions separated by an election and followed by a public referendum – and in order for this reform to be in place for the redistricting following the 2020 Census, it needs to happen now.  The vote today is the first step toward ending gerrymandering in Virginia. 

Common Cause and our members are proud to stand alongside One Virginia 2021New Virginia Majority and other Virginia partners in calling for the strengthening and passage of this important reform.



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