Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег


Познакомьтесь с Дэвидом…

Дэвид Вэнс — национальный медиа-стратег Common Cause. Он работает с персоналом на национальном и государственном уровне, чтобы генерировать медиа для усиления голоса и стратегического продвижения повестки дня реформы демократии национальной организации и ее 35 государственных офисов.

До прихода в Common Cause в 2016 году Дэвид провел десятилетие в качестве директора по коммуникациям и исследованиям в Campaign Legal Center, работая над финансированием кампаний, избирательными правами и вопросами государственной этики. За время его работы там медиа-профиль организации вырос в геометрической прогрессии, а в 2014 году она получила премию MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

У Дэвида обширный опыт в связях с общественностью и журналистике. Он занимал должность директора по связям с общественностью в международной торговой ассоциации и работал в двух фирмах по связям с общественностью в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, где он занимался вопросами связей с общественностью, связями с общественностью и кризисными вопросами как на национальном, так и на международном уровне для широкого круга корпоративных, ассоциативных и некоммерческих клиентов.

До прихода в сферу связей с общественностью Дэвид работал в нескольких новостных бюро в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, на телеканале WCAX-TV в Берлингтоне, штат Вермонт, а также в The Washington Post.

Дэвид родом из Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, имеет степень магистра журналистики Школы журналистики Медилла Северо-Западного университета и степень магистра изящных искусств по специальности «Творческое письмо» Университета Джорджа Мейсона.

Последние новости от Дэвида Вэнса

Victory: City of Seattle’s Innovative Public Financing System Will Stand


Victory: City of Seattle’s Innovative Public Financing System Will Stand

Today, the city of Seattle’s democracy voucher program has been upheld as constitutional. The Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County issued an opinion finding that the city’s pioneering public financing system is a valid tool for the city government to foster citizen involvement in elections, which is a goal “vital to a self-governing people.”

Special Interest Tax Giveaway Also Thrusts the Pulpit into Politics


Special Interest Tax Giveaway Also Thrusts the Pulpit into Politics

Buried in the final pages of the tax bill’s handouts to deep-pocketed special interests is a troubling provision that would allow houses of worship to actively engage in partisan politicking. For more than a half century the Johnson Amendment has prohibited 501(c)(3)s, including religious organizations, from participating in political campaigns. If this bright line is removed the abuses will inevitably follow and the loopholes will be expanded. Overwhelmingly members of the clergy support the Johnson Amendment prohibition on political...

Guilty Plea & Indictments Against Trump Campaign Officials Show Need to Safeguard Mueller’s Russia Investigation


Guilty Plea & Indictments Against Trump Campaign Officials Show Need to Safeguard Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today’s guilty plea by Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos for lying to investigators about his contacts with Russian nationals with ties to high-level Kremlin officials during the campaign and the indictments against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy Richard Gates, hammer home the need to allow Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to run its course without interference.

Common Cause Calls for Congressional Investigation of Whitefish Energy Puerto Rico Contract & Open Hearings


Common Cause Calls for Congressional Investigation of Whitefish Energy Puerto Rico Contract & Open Hearings

Today, Common Cause urged Congress to fully investigate and hold public hearings on the massive no-bid contract awarded to a tiny Montana company to rebuild the Puerto Rican power grid devastated by Hurricane Maria. According to press reports, Whitefish Energy only had two employees at the time the hurricane made landfall in Puerto Rico but was awarded a $300 million contract.

FCC Deals Blow to Local News then Announces Vote Next Month to Remove Hurdle to Massive Sinclair-Tribune Merger


FCC Deals Blow to Local News then Announces Vote Next Month to Remove Hurdle to Massive Sinclair-Tribune Merger

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Klobuchar, Warner, McCain Online Transparency Bill Good First Step in Response to Russian Election Attacks


Klobuchar, Warner, McCain Online Transparency Bill Good First Step in Response to Russian Election Attacks

Americans have a right to know who is using political advertising to influence their votes and their views. As technology changes and political advertising shifts to online platforms, our transparency laws should keep pace. The recent revelations of Kremlin-connected influence operations on Facebook and Twitter underscore how important it is for Congress to take meaningful action. The bipartisan HONEST Ads Act is a critical step forward in enhancing the transparency of online political advertising. Common Cause commends Senators Klobuchar,...

Trump’s Threat Against NBC Broadcast License an Attempt to Intimidate


Trump’s Threat Against NBC Broadcast License an Attempt to Intimidate

“This madcap threat, if pursued, would be blatant and unacceptable intervention in the decisions of an independent agency. The law does not countenance such interference."

DEFCON Election Hacking Report Hammers Home Need to Safeguard Our Elections


DEFCON Election Hacking Report Hammers Home Need to Safeguard Our Elections

Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections, but the release of a report on the Voting Machine Hacking Village at DEFCON last summer lays bare the vulnerabilities of our nation’s election equipment, databases and infrastructure. The Atlantic Council’s convening of a bipartisan group of national security advisors, cybersecurity experts and election officials to establish protocols to safeguard our elections is welcome news.

Senate Intelligence Committee Must Disclose More About Russian Election Attacks


Senate Intelligence Committee Must Disclose More About Russian Election Attacks

Americans deserve to know more about the Russian attack to sway the 2016 presidential race and Congress owes them some answers. Without undermining the investigation or any intelligence assets, Congress needs to share more of its findings with the American people. To date most of what citizens know about the attacks comes from media reports.



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