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Common Cause NY Joins March for Trump Accountability

With "Hold Power Accountable" on one side and "People. Action. Democracy." on the other side of blue signs, our fierce band of Common Causers stuck together in Bryant Park for the Tax March on Saturday, April 15th.

With “Hold Power Accountable” on one side and “People. Action. Democracy.” on the other side of blue signs, our fierce band of Common Causers stuck together in Bryant Park for the Tax March on Saturday, April 15th.  We marched to Trump Tower to deliver our message that our 45th president should release his personal tax returns. 

Although legally not required, most recent presidents and presidential candidates have released tax returns during their campaigns.  Without full transparency of our president’s financial holdings, how will we know if our president is or is not deep in conflicts of interest?  Under a longstanding IRS policy, the president’s returns will be audited throughout his term but we are not likely to see them.

Many clever signs and costumes and even a stroller full of dogs joined or passed our group as we added our voices to the chant of the moment — “hey, hey, ho, ho”…”liar, liar”…”show me what democracy looks like” and at our target location – “shame, shame, shame”.  

Thanks to Jeff Berresford, Joe Lalli, Elise Nakhnkian,  Steve Ettlinger, Aviva Davidson, Kathleen Stringer for their camaraderie and sticking together.  

Due to the heavily structured “chute” system of moving the crowds, we are sorry we were unable to connect with Susan Lerner, our tireless leader, at the head of the march and at least a few Common Causers who soldiered on without us:  Ann Murphy Hunt, Hasia Diner, Micheleen Karnacewicz.

In the words of one of our activists: It was a wonderful outpouring of strong feelings of outrage.




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