We are proud of the work the women of Common Cause are doing to deliver a more equitable and accountable government. At the national level and in the states, women are working to ensure we protect the freedom to vote for all. 

Here are some of the recent victories we are most proud of, made possible by strong women leading the way.  

  1. Fighting for Fair Elections All the Way to the Supreme Court: Becky Harper

Becky Harper is the plaintiff in Common Cause’s Moore v Harper case awaiting a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court this June. A Common Cause member since 2007, she is challenging the gerrymandered maps drawn by partisan lawmakers in North Carolina.  

Thanks to Becky’s bravery and commitment, we fought for fair elections for the voters of North Carolina—and all voters—before the U.S. Supreme Court in December 2022.  

  1. Expanding Access to the Ballot Box: Cheri Quickmire
Cheri Quickmire

Connecticut is just one of four states that do not offer any early voting options. That reality excludes so many hardworking voters—our nurses, firefighters, seniors, single parents, and more.   

That’s why last year, Cheri led a voting rights coalition in passing a ballot measure unlocking the first step to establishing early voting. Thanks to her work, more than 60% of voters approved the ballot measure. 

This year, Cheri and voting advocates in Connecticut are working to ensure that voters have ample early voting options in the 2024 election.  

  1. Protecting the Freedom to Vote: Sylvia Albert
Sylvia Albert

As voters headed to the polls in 2022, they faced unprecedented challenges: new anti-voter laws, an alarming rise in election disinformation, new voting districts following redistricting, and disturbing threats of political violence.  

Thankfully, Sylvia helped our national and state staff protect and empower voters. From assisting voters in Pennsylvania about vote-by-mail to monitoring the overwhelming number of lawsuits, and long lines at the polls, Sylvia was there to help cut through the noise and confusion.   

  1. Protecting our Rights: Viki Harrison
Viki Harrison

A handful of wealthy special interest groups are trying to call a new constitutional convention that puts all our rights at risk. To do so, they need approval in 34 states. Recently, Viki Harrison stopped them in their tracks—defeating their proposals in Montana and Illinois. With so much at stake for all of us, Viki will continue her work to ensure no harmful Convention is called.  


5. Protecting the Youth Vote: Joanne Antoine and Morgan Drayton

Joanne Antoine
Morgan Drayton


Since 2019, Joanne and Morgan have helped equip students— especially young people of color— with the tools they need to organize, advocate, and make improvements in their communities. Thanks to their joint advocacy, several towns in Maryland have lowered their voting age to 16. Now, Joanne and Morgan are working with students on a proposal to lower the voting age to 16 in Rockville, one of the biggest communities in the state. 

6. Holding Power Accountable: Catherine Turcer and Mia Lewis

Catherine Turcer
Mia Lewis


In April 2021, Ohio began its once-in-a-decade redistricting process. While most hardworking Ohioans slept, their elected leaders approved gerrymandered voting districts—five times in a row – even after maps were continually ruled unconstitutional.  

For two years and counting, Catherine and Mia have led the state in ensuring the public is informed and mobilized. From driving hundreds of Ohioans to the Capitol to speak truth to power at hearings and rallies to exerting public pressure with phone calls to lawmakers and letters to the editor, the duo won’t quit until Ohio has fair maps once and for all.  

7. Fighting for Fair Maps: Julia Vaughn

Julia Vaughn


After Indiana lawmakers failed to create an independent redistricting commission, Julia Vaughn rolled up her sleeves and created a shadow commission to show them how it’s done. From start to finish, Julia provided a blueprint for a model redistricting commission that included membership from all political backgrounds, robust public engagement, and a completely transparent process.  

Hoosiers showed up regularly to the Indiana Statehouse demanding a transparent process and fair maps like the one they saw the Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) running. The ICRC even held a map contest open to the public to try their hand at drawing new voting districts. All of Julia’s efforts generated newfound interest and engagement in redistricting with so much buzz it caught national attention—all during a pandemic!  




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