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Stop Lawless Legislators From Tearing Away My Right to Vote.

I bussed up from North Carolina to spend yesterday morning rallying at the Supreme Court in the freezing rain – and I’m going home more committed to our shared work than ever.

Here’s why:

My name is Luis Lozano, and I’m a 2nd Year at North Carolina State University. When I heard about the Мур против Харпера case, I knew I needed to do something – to stop lawless legislators from tearing away my right to vote.

So I, along with 40 of my fellow activists and community members, joined Common Cause on a bus up from North Carolina to Washington, D.C. to rally in front of the Supreme Court. 

I came to stick up for myself and for the checks and balances our democracy needs. And I’m glad I did – because after yesterday’s rally, I’m more convinced than ever that this #LawlessLawmakers power grab might be the gravest threat my generation has seen.

I’m in the middle, right under the No Lawless Lawmakers sign, holding a Hands Off My Vote poster!

While lawyers argued our case inside the Court, hundreds of us came together outside chanting for voting rights, dancing to music, and hearing speakers like Sen. Amy Klobuchar, North Carolina poet laureate Jaki Shelton Green, and members of Congress from my home state speak out for the importance of protecting and expanding voting rights.

I remember when I first heard about this case – and how lawmakers from my state were trying to declare themselves above our laws, and seize total power over how we run federal elections.

And I thought about what was at stake – because if Common Cause loses this case, it could be a green light for all manner of voter suppression laws: strict voter ID, extreme gerrymandering, even outright sabotage of our elections.

Sometimes it’s tough to keep up hope in the face of these threats – which is why I’m so glad I showed up. This was my first-ever political rally – and I was amazed by how many people from all walks of life showed up to defend our rights and demand the democracy we deserve.

Common Cause staff out front

Now, I’m back home in North Carolina – but I’m never going to forget the passion I saw out in front of the Court. We will never let extremist politicians put their own agendas over the will of the people.

That’s why I know that we can win this case– and it doesn’t end here. Once we defeat this #LawlessLawmakers power grab, I’m ready to be a lifelong member of the fight to pass federal voting rights, end gerrymandering for good, and make sure we finally live up to the promise of American democracy.

Luis Lozano
North Carolina student activist



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