Susan Lerner

Executive Director


Susan Lerner is executive director of Common Cause New York. Susan joined Common Cause in December 2007. She is responsible for setting priorities, strategy, lobbying, serving as a spokesperson, fund-raising and leading the team for the New York organization. Before joining Common Cause, Susan served from 2003-07 as executive director of the California Clean Money Campaign. As a member of the New York and California bars, she was a litigator for almost 20 years. Susan has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Chicago and a law degree from the New York University School of Law.

The Latest From Susan Lerner

Albany Tines Union (Op-Ed): These measures would protect election integrity in New York

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Albany Tines Union (Op-Ed): These measures would protect election integrity in New York

2023 was a challenging test of New York’s elections. Voters endured persistent legal fights over redistricting and a congressional election scandal that captured national attention. It’s no surprise that trust in government continues to decline nationwide. With changing congressional boundaries and a contentious election season looming, voters face an even busier year.

That’s why lawmakers must work quickly to institute guardrails that address existing gaps in our laws and protect voters from the threat of...

Times Union (Op-Ed): To boost voter participation, simplify wording on ballots

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Times Union (Op-Ed): To boost voter participation, simplify wording on ballots

In 2024, voters will again be faced with a slew of statewide ballot proposals on important topics. If we don’t pass the plain language bill before then, we run the risk that voters will be confused and discouraged and opt out of the process. Voters of all languages and literacy levels deserve equal access at the ballot box. 

New York Daily News (Op-Ed): After Citizens United, an awakening

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New York Daily News (Op-Ed): After Citizens United, an awakening

In the past decade, Citizens United has come to symbolize not just the deluge of money in our elections, but also voters’ frustration at not being heard by their elected officials. Polling shows that only 17% of us believe our political parties and politicians “care about people like me.” The rest of us are feeling disenfranchised. Only 20% of us are “satisfied” with our nation’s campaign finance laws; the rest of us want change.New Yorkers are leading the way to a post-Citizens United future. For decades, we’ve supported...

Times Union (Op-Ed): New voting machines would be a step backward

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Times Union (Op-Ed): New voting machines would be a step backward

Hacked machines. Undercounted elections. Broken touchscreens. Impatient voters. Sound like a nightmare? It could be a reality for millions of New York voters as early as April.

For years, the voting machine company ES&S has spent more than $600,000 lobbying New York officials to purchase certain machines, including ExpressVote XL, and soon they might get the green light. The machine provides a touchscreen allowing voters to mark their ballot electronically instead of on the traditional paper ballots. It then tabulates votes.

BuzzFeed News (Op-Ed): America Does Voting The Wrong Way. Here’s How To Fix It.

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BuzzFeed News (Op-Ed): America Does Voting The Wrong Way. Here’s How To Fix It.

Why is this better? Consider how a presidential primary works in the current system. We’re constantly gaming out our vote, trying to figure out who can win a general election, or who’s got the best shot in Iowa, as opposed to voting for whom we want because we like what they stand for. How many more times do we have to read thinkpieces about whether a woman or a person of color is electable? With ranked-choice voting, you can vote with your heart and your head — without worrying about sabotaging either.

Это Монстр Слияния


Это Монстр Слияния

«В этой ситуации, когда мы имеем дело с гигантскими телекоммуникационными компаниями, интересы потребителей и общественности, как правило, полностью игнорируются, и все сводится к тому, что наиболее прибыльно для этой гигантской организации», — говорит Сьюзан Лернер, исполнительный директор Common Cause New York, выступающей против слияния.



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