David Vance

National Media Strategist


Meet David…

David Vance is the National Media Strategist for Common Cause. He works with staff at the national and state level to generate media to amplify the voice and strategically advance the democracy reform agenda of the national organization and its 35 state offices.

Prior to joining Common Cause in 2016, David spent a decade as the director of communications and research at the Campaign Legal Center, working on campaign finance, voting rights and government ethics issues. During his time there, the media profile of the organization grew exponentially and in 2014 it received a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

David has an extensive background in public relations and journalism. He has served as public affairs director for an international trade association and worked for two public relations firms in Washington, DC where he handled public affairs, public relations and crisis issues both nationally and internationally for a broad range of corporate, association and non-profit clients.

Before entering the public relations field, David worked for several news bureaus in Washington, DC, WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont as well as The Washington Post.

David is a native of Washington, DC and holds an M.S.J. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University.

The Latest From David Vance

Common Cause/NY on Santos Expulsion: “Good!”


Common Cause/NY on Santos Expulsion: “Good!”

"Today's decision to expel Mr. Santos is a win for voters and democracy. Mr. Santos' deception and likely violation of federal law has been clear for a long time. Voters did not deserve a representative that lied and defrauded his way into Congress. The House Ethics Committee's diligent bi-partisan report made crystal clear that Mr. Santos is plainly unfit to serve in public office any longer. We commend the New York delegation's overwhelming bi-partisan vote in favor of expelling Mr. Santos, and all other Representatives who voted to protect...

SCOTUS Scandal Subpoenas Still Necessary After High Court Creates Weak Ethics Code    


SCOTUS Scandal Subpoenas Still Necessary After High Court Creates Weak Ethics Code    

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to subpoena a wealthy donor and a high-profile legal power player at the center of recent United States Supreme Court ethics scandals. The vote came after the High Court proposed its own weak and unenforceable code of conduct earlier this month amid growing criticism.

Common Cause/NY Demands Congress Expel George Santos


Common Cause/NY Demands Congress Expel George Santos

In response to breaking news that the House Ethics Committee released a 56-page report that concludes Representative George Santos violated federal law, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY said:

“Today’s fact finding bi-partisan report from the House Ethics Committee makes it crystal clear that Mr. Santos is unfit for public office. Recognizing the seriousness of the remedy of expulsion, Common Cause/NY has waited for the process to play out appropriately. Now we and the House of...

SCOTUS Ethics Code a First Step That Congress Must Build On  


SCOTUS Ethics Code a First Step That Congress Must Build On  

This afternoon, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would adopt a code of ethics. The move follows a series of scandals involving Supreme Court Justices that came to light in recent months. The announcement also comes at a time when the Senate Judiciary Committee has already moved forward legislation to establish an ethics code for the Supreme Court and is scheduled to vote this week on subpoenas for witnesses at the heart of some of the recent scandals.

Common Cause Georgia, League of Women Voters, SPLC Applaud Court’s Decision to Move Redistricting Case Forward


Common Cause Georgia, League of Women Voters, SPLC Applaud Court’s Decision to Move Redistricting Case Forward

A three-judge panel for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia is allowing a case challenging Georgia’s racially gerrymandered congressional district map to move forward. The case, brought by several Georgia voters, Common Cause Georgia and the League of Women Voters of Georgia will go to trial in November.

FEC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content


FEC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content

Today, Common Cause and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights filed comments with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in support of a petition for rulemaking filed by Public Citizen to amend its regulation on “fraudulent misrepresentation” to include “deliberately false Artificial Intelligence-generated content in campaign ads or other communications.”

New 50 State Report Finds Massive Failures in Redistricting Process


New 50 State Report Finds Massive Failures in Redistricting Process

A coalition of national organizations advocating for a stronger democracy published a report today evaluating redistricting efforts across all 50 states, awarding just two states with an “A” grade while 20 states earned a “D” or an “F” for their failures in transparency, opportunities for public input, nonpartisanship, and empowerment of communities of color. 

FCC Chair Announces Proceeding to Restore Net Neutrality


FCC Chair Announces Proceeding to Restore Net Neutrality

Today, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel announced that the agency will begin proceedings to restore Net Neutrality. In a speech at the National Press Club, Chair Rosenworcel said she will formally introduce a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” at the agency’s Open Meeting on October 19, 2023. The rulemaking will restore the FCC’s authority under Title II of the Communications Act to oversee broadband providers and enforce the open-internet protections. The Open Internet Order was repealed during the Trump...

CFTC Rejects Bid to Legalize Gambling on U.S. Elections


CFTC Rejects Bid to Legalize Gambling on U.S. Elections

Today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rejected a request to legalize gambling on U.S. election outcomes. In July, Common Cause filed comments, co-signed by more than 15,000 of its members, strongly urging the CFTC to reject the proposal arguing that KalshiEX, LLC’s (“Kalshi”) proposed Congressional control event contract posed “new and profound threats to the integrity of our democracy and our elections.”



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