Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег


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Дэвид Вэнс — национальный медиа-стратег Common Cause. Он работает с персоналом на национальном и государственном уровне, чтобы генерировать медиа для усиления голоса и стратегического продвижения повестки дня реформы демократии национальной организации и ее 35 государственных офисов.

До прихода в Common Cause в 2016 году Дэвид провел десятилетие в качестве директора по коммуникациям и исследованиям в Campaign Legal Center, работая над финансированием кампаний, избирательными правами и вопросами государственной этики. За время его работы там медиа-профиль организации вырос в геометрической прогрессии, а в 2014 году она получила премию MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

У Дэвида обширный опыт в связях с общественностью и журналистике. Он занимал должность директора по связям с общественностью в международной торговой ассоциации и работал в двух фирмах по связям с общественностью в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, где он занимался вопросами связей с общественностью, связями с общественностью и кризисными вопросами как на национальном, так и на международном уровне для широкого круга корпоративных, ассоциативных и некоммерческих клиентов.

До прихода в сферу связей с общественностью Дэвид работал в нескольких новостных бюро в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, на телеканале WCAX-TV в Берлингтоне, штат Вермонт, а также в The Washington Post.

Дэвид родом из Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, имеет степень магистра журналистики Школы журналистики Медилла Северо-Западного университета и степень магистра изящных искусств по специальности «Творческое письмо» Университета Джорджа Мейсона.

Последние новости от Дэвида Вэнса

Senate Draws Line in Sand to Protect Mueller Russia Investigation


Senate Draws Line in Sand to Protect Mueller Russia Investigation

The Senate Judiciary Committee is right to draw a line in the sand to protect Special Counsel Mueller’s Russia investigation and now Majority Leader Mitch McConnell must put his country before his party and allow the full Senate to pass this bipartisan legislation.

New Scorecard to Chart Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 115th Congress


New Scorecard to Chart Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 115th Congress

As 2018 congressional races heat up, Common Cause is once again tracking the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. Members of the House and Senate have received letters asking them to co-sponsor and support more than a dozen democracy reform bills and informing them that their co-sponsorship record will be published to our 1.1 million members during the lead-up to Election Day in Common Cause’s “Democracy Scorecard.”

Departure of Commissioner Mignon Clyburn a Loss for the FCC and the Public Interest


Departure of Commissioner Mignon Clyburn a Loss for the FCC and the Public Interest

Commissioner Clyburn’s announcement is sad news for us all. She gave eloquent and effective voice to many millions who have for so long lacked a voice at the FCC, and her work to make communications policy work for everyone makes her a champion to them and to me. She’s been a can-do and trailblazing commissioner, and I know she will continue to work valiantly for the common good wherever she goes. Thank you, Mignon. You’re a hero to me.

DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against President Trump, His Campaign & American Media Inc. for Illegal, Unreported $30K Coordinated Expenditure to Squelch Rumors of Candidate’s Illegitimate Child


DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against President Trump, His Campaign & American Media Inc. for Illegal, Unreported $30K Coordinated Expenditure to Squelch Rumors of Candidate’s Illegitimate Child

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that President Trump, his 2016 presidential campaign and American Media, Inc. (AMI) violated campaign contribution limits and reporting requirements through a December 2015 payment of $30,000 to a former doorman at a Trump property to squelch rumors of then-candidate Trump having fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower in New York. The DOJ this week raided the office and...

PA House Republicans Continue Undemocratic Political Redistricting Power Grabs


PA House Republicans Continue Undemocratic Political Redistricting Power Grabs

Pennsylvanians should be choosing their elected representatives, not the other way around. The courts made that abundantly clear when they threw out the hideously biased map drawn by the legislature. But yesterday Pennsylvania House State Government Chair Daryl Metcalfe revealed that he missed the message and that he and, certain lawmakers remain unwilling to show due deference to the citizens, the constitution or the welfare of our state.

Senate Must Move Quickly on Bipartisan Bill to Protect Mueller Russia Investigation


Senate Must Move Quickly on Bipartisan Bill to Protect Mueller Russia Investigation

No American is above the law, not even the President. But President Trump is making no bones about the fact that he believes he is above the law and members of his administration continue to float disturbing trial balloons to gauge what the public reaction would be if Trump fired Special Counsel Robert Mueller. In light of these deeply troubling actions, the Senate must move quickly to pass its bipartisan legislation to protect the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election by the Special Counsel.

Common Cause & Voting Rights Institute File SCOTUS Brief in Challenge to Texas Racial Gerrymander


Common Cause & Voting Rights Institute File SCOTUS Brief in Challenge to Texas Racial Gerrymander

Today, Common Cause and the Voting Rights Institute filed an amici brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Abbott v. Perez, in support of a challenge to Texas legislative districts twice found by lower courts to be discriminatory racial gerrymanders perpetrated by the state Legislature. The maps drawn after the 2010 Census, were initially found to violate the Voting Rights Act by a U.S. District Court in 2011 but were reinstituted by the Legislature in 2013 without change.

Sinclair Broadcasting’s Forced Propaganda Offers Yet Another Reason FCC Should Reject Tribune Media Purchase


Sinclair Broadcasting’s Forced Propaganda Offers Yet Another Reason FCC Should Reject Tribune Media Purchase

Statement of Michael Copps former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Adviser

Sinclair’s latest plan to force its local stations to air must-run segments criticizing other news outlets is another example of the company masking its editorialized content with trusted local broadcasters. President Trump’s tweet dismissing opposition to Sinclair’s destruction of local news shows how big media uses its money and power to influence our elected officials.



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