
Demonstrators Nationwide Demand Release of Full Mueller Report on Russian Election Attacks

Americans deserve know the full truth and tonight we are taking to the streets to demand it. A four-page whitewash from the Attorney General is not enough. We have a right to know everything that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation uncovered about Russian attacks on our democracy in that nation’s wide-ranging effort to aid Donald Trump in 2016. The vital importance of releasing the full report publicly is hammered home by new reports that members of the special counsel’s team were shocked and frustrated that Attorney General Bill Barr has significantly downplayed their findings which they describe as “alarming and significant.” We need to know because we need to know that our elected representatives are doing what is necessary to safeguard our democracy from ongoing attacks by hostile foreign powers. The full report and underlying documentation must be released to the American people.

Americans deserve know the full truth and tonight we are taking to the streets to demand it. A four-page whitewash from the Attorney General is not enough. We have a right to know everything that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation uncovered about Russian attacks on our democracy in that nation’s wide-ranging effort to aid Donald Trump in 2016. The vital importance of releasing the full report publicly is hammered home by new reports that members of the special counsel’s team were shocked and frustrated that Attorney General Bill Barr has significantly downplayed their findings which they describe as “alarming and significant.” We need to know because we need to know that our elected representatives are doing what is necessary to safeguard our democracy from ongoing attacks by hostile foreign powers. The full report and underlying documentation must be released to the American people.

The Special Counsel’s investigation led to a jaw-dropping 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, and 5 prison sentences to date. A number of additional criminal investigations uncovered by the Special Counsel have been handed off to other prosecutors. Just the crimes that have been made public to date represent a dark and unprecedented chapter in our nation’s history. But Congress and the American people must be given the full report and the full truth.

Now is not a time for whitewashing. Now is the time to put country before party. Americans across the nation are on the streets tonight demonstrating peacefully to demand the truth about Russia’s efforts to undermine our election and elect Donald Trump. We are demonstrating tonight to make very clear that we expect nothing less than the whole truth.



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