
Common Cause works on the national, state, and local level to defend and strengthen American democracy.

What We're Doing

Этика Верховного суда


Этика Верховного суда

Судьи Верховного суда ежегодно принимают решения, которые затрагивают миллионы людей, но они не придерживаются тех же этических стандартов, что и другие федеральные судьи.
Affordable Connectivity Program


Affordable Connectivity Program

From checking one’s voter registration status online to finding the nearest polling location, internet access is crucial to actively taking part in democracy.

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) helps ensure that everyone can get online.
Защита выборов


Защита выборов

Our votes are our voice in determining the future of our communities and country. Common Cause mobilizes volunteers to assist voters navigate the voting process.

Избранные выпуски

Этика и ответственность

Этика и ответственность

Public officials should act in all of our interest, not to line their own pockets. Common Cause is fighting to ensure that all of our leaders are held to high ethical standards.
National Popular Vote & Electoral College

National Popular Vote & Electoral College

We deserve presidential elections where every voter has an equal voice and where the winning candidate must engage with all 50 states. Common Cause is pushing to fix the broken Electoral College.

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