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To Strengthen Democracy, Read Your Newspaper

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To Strengthen Democracy, Read Your Newspaper

Newspapers are facing unprecedented challenges at a time when independent and aggressive journalism is more important than ever.

WATCH: A Computer Scientist Makes the Case for Paper Ballots

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WATCH: A Computer Scientist Makes the Case for Paper Ballots

This New York Times video featuring J. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the University of Michigan, explains how easy it is for hackers to make their way into electronic voting systems.

Gerrymander Gazette | April 2018

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Gerrymander Gazette | April 2018

The fight for redistricting reform is progressing in the courts, at the grassroots, and in the halls of government across America.

‘Dark Money’ Helps Pay for Pro-Trump Facebook Ads

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‘Dark Money’ Helps Pay for Pro-Trump Facebook Ads

Millions of dollars from secret donors financed the "social welfare" groups that obtained personal information about millions of Americans from Facebook and used it to help Donald Trump win the presidency



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