
Tell Congress: Hold SCOTUS Accountable

Congress must take bold action now to pass a strong, binding Supreme Court Code of Conduct and overrule the Court’s disastrous ruling on presidential immunity.

These crucial reforms would ensure that nobody – not presidents, nor judges – is above the law.


President Joe Biden announced a sweeping agenda to reform the U.S. Supreme Court and rebuild its legitimacy with the American people.

As you know well, the Court has brought itself into disrepute in the past few years with a variety of conflicts of interest from multiple justices, including expenses-paid vacations with Republican megadonors and even public shows of support for the January 6th insurrectionists.

And in July, trust in them plummeted to what could be its lowest point to date after they declared that current and former Presidents are near-totally immune from prosecution for any criminal wrongdoing.

That’s why we’re so excited about this blueprint for reform – which includes a strong and enforceable code of ethics for justices, rather than relying on them to watchdog themselves. And crucially, President Biden has now joined the call for a constitutional amendment to overrule the Court’s disastrous ruling on presidential immunity.

The decisions Supreme Court justices make affect all of us – our rights, our health, our environment, and our future. We deserve to be confident that nothing besides the public interest and rule of law are guiding them – free from partisan political agendas, financial incentives, or extremist ideology.

Our country can be better than this – and with your help, we will be. Will you join us in urging Congress to take bold action for an ethical Supreme Court?



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