
Common Cause Pennsylvania Names Micah Sims Its New Executive Director

Today, Common Cause announced that Micah C.T. Sims has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania. Micah brings to the position a diverse background that includes community organizing and advocacy, working as a radio and television host, and continuing in a calling to ministry.

Today, Common Cause announced that Micah C.T. Sims has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania. Micah brings to the position a diverse background that includes community organizing and advocacy, working as a radio and television host, and continuing in a calling to ministry.

“We are excited to welcome Micah to the Common Cause family at a time of big challenges and great opportunity to hold power accountable in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “Micah brings a long track record of successes to Common Cause Pennsylvania and deep commitment to a strong democracy that gives every citizen a voice. We look forward to great things from him as he brings to bear his many talents and boundless energy.”

“Common Cause Pennsylvania searched long and hard to find the right person to lead the organization and with Micah that search finally bore fruit,” said Ken Myers Common Cause Pennsylvania’s Board Chair. “Micah is taking the helm at a pivotal juncture for Pennsylvania politics, and the state board has full confidence that he is the right person for the job of making sure the voices of citizens around the state are not drowned out by deep-pocketed special interests.”

“I look forward to fully harnessing the energy and the power of our membership across the state to bring about reforms to help every Pennsylvanian,” said Sims. “With items such as the coming legislative session, approaching census and redistricting initiative, campaign finance reform legislation in Philadelphia and other places there is much work to be done but I look forward to facing these challenges with the backing of our members and coalition partners. Within those fights I will work to expand both our membership and the breadth of our coalition partnerships.”

Micah did his undergraduate studies at Villanova University and graduate work on a Masters of Divinity at Lancaster Theological Seminary. A native Pennsylvanian, Micah is married with five children and is a fifth-generation minister.



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