
Common Cause Welcomes Yosef Getachew as Director of Media & Democracy Program

Common Cause is pleased to announce that Yosef Getachew has joined Common Cause as the Director of the Media and Democracy Program. Getachew will work hand-in-glove with former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps and lead campaigns to engage the public and policy makers on key initiatives including promoting an open internet, fostering competition in the media marketplace, and ensuring broadband access for all Americans.

Common Cause is pleased to announce that Yosef Getachew has joined Common Cause as the Director of the Media and Democracy Program. Getachew will work hand-in-glove with former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps and lead campaigns to engage the public and policy makers on key initiatives including promoting an open internet, fostering competition in the media marketplace, and ensuring broadband access for all Americans.

Prior to joining Common Cause, Getachew worked as a Policy Fellow at Public Knowledge where he focused on advancing public interest policies related to broadband privacy, broadband access and affordability, and competition in the media marketplace. Yosef has also worked as a law clerk for several technology and communications organizations including the Federal Communications Commission, Comcast, Facebook, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

“We are excited to welcome Yosef during such a pivotal time for our Media and Democracy Program, with so much that Americans take for granted now under siege in Washington,” said Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. “Yosef will be lifting Common Cause’s million members’ voices to the FCC, the White House and Congress and will also be taking our fight for free, fair and diverse media, and equitable access for all, to cities and states around this great nation.”

“Common Cause is on the front lines facing some of the biggest challenges in a generation on the media and democracy fronts and we have been looking forward to bringing Yosef onto the team as we work to hold power accountable,” said Michael Copps former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor. “Yosef’s experience makes him a wonderful fit for the position, but it is his passion for the issues and the public interest in them that sets him apart.”

“I am excited to join Common Cause’s Media and Democracy Program, which is so critical to holding the FCC and other government agencies accountable while working with federal, state and local lawmakers and allied organizations to restore and advance the democratic values in our media and technology policy,” said Getachew. “Our work is critical now more than ever when we are currently seeing the erosion of our democratic values at the federal level. Agencies like the FCC have chosen to abandon their responsibilities to ensure consumers have competitive choices in the media marketplace, and an affordable and open internet. I’ll be fighting the FCC on behalf of Common Cause’s more than one million members and supporting Common Cause’s media and democracy work in states around the nation.”

Yosef received his J.D. from the George Washington University Law School and bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, watching basketball, and spending time with friends.



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