
FCC Chair Announces Plan to Gut Net Neutrality

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s announced today that he would attempt to roll back the agency’s Open Internet (“net neutrality”) rules.

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s announced today that he would attempt to roll back the agency’s Open Internet (“net neutrality”) rules.

“By re-opening the FCC’s historic 2015 Open Internet Order, the FCC is jeopardizing core protections for online free speech and competition. Chairman Pai appears more interested in currying favor with cable and telecom industry lobbyists than in serving the millions of Americans who wrote and called to urge the commission, during the original rulemaking, to provide strong protections against online blocking, throttling, or censorship.

“Chairman Pai is kissing the ring of the Big Money lobbyists who too often call the shots in the Trump Administration. Ending net neutrality would be a body blow to the open dialogue upon which successful self-government depends. It would be a red light for democracy and a green light for cable and telecom giants to control where we go and what we do on the internet. The FCC, Congress, and President Trump are risking the wrath of millions of Americans who depend daily on affordable access to the open internet.”



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