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Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 


Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 

Вашингтон — Common Cause, беспартийная организация по надзору, опубликовала свою «Карту показателей демократии» за 2024 год, в которой зафиксирована поддержка каждым членом Конгресса права голоса, этики Верховного суда и других реформ.  

Media Contacts

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Common Cause’s network of national and state democracy reform experts are frequent media commentators. To talk with one of our experts, please reach out to any member of the press team above.


4028 Results


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4028 Results


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Associated Press: Electronic voting worries security experts. Nevada touts safeguards as it expands it to tribes

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Associated Press: Electronic voting worries security experts. Nevada touts safeguards as it expands it to tribes

Susannah Goodman, director of election security for Common Cause, is among those concerned that there are no federal guidelines for such systems and no independent reviews, unlike what’s in place for voting machines and ballot tabulators.

An attempt to create independent standards ended in late 2022 after a group of experts determined it wasn’t possible at the time given the technology and cyber risks.

Заявление Common Cause/NY о виновности Трампа


Заявление Common Cause/NY о виновности Трампа

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, штат Нью-Йорк -- Сегодня вечером присяжные в Манхэттене признали бывшего президента Трампа виновным по 34 пунктам. В ответ Сьюзан Лернер, исполнительный директор Common Cause/NY, опубликовала следующее заявление:

"This case was always about hiding key information from voters, and now a jury of the former president's peers have confirmed that he lied to the public by falsifying business records in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. This is a felony punishable with jail time or probation, and just like anyone else convicted of...

HuffPost: How A Diss During A Hearing Led To A Breakthrough Bipartisan Ethics Bill

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HuffPost: How A Diss During A Hearing Led To A Breakthrough Bipartisan Ethics Bill

Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, said elements of the bill resembled elements of other bills Common Cause has supported, such as the For the People Act, a sweeping ethics package that Democrats pushed through the House in 2021. (Rather than merely demand disclosure, that bill would require presidents to divest from assets that present conflicts of interest.)

“These are not pulled out of a hat,” Scherb said. “So I think this language, at first glance, seems to be a step in the right...

Marketplace (AUDIO): Trump campaign will now accept crypto contributions

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Marketplace (AUDIO): Trump campaign will now accept crypto contributions

“Cryptocurrency is extremely volatile and unpredictable. So you can bypass the contribution limit if the value goes fairly up,” said Ishan Mehta, director for the media and democracy program at Common Cause. “It becomes easy to do money laundering if you’re using, you know, some of the lesser known cryptocurrency or some of the fly-by-night cryptocurrencies.”

The FEC says that as long as the value of the crypto at the time it was donated falls below the contribution limits, it’s fine. But Mehta said that there are...


PolitiFact: Social media claims mislead about Democratic vote for congressional apportionment

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PolitiFact: Social media claims mislead about Democratic vote for congressional apportionment

Dan Vicuña, the redistricting and representation director at Common Cause, a voting rights group, told PolitiFact, "Making residents of the United States invisible for the purposes of congressional apportionment would be a clear violation of the U.S. constitution."


New Report Examines Redistricting Impact on Native American Communities Post-2020 Census


New Report Examines Redistricting Impact on Native American Communities Post-2020 Census

A new report from Common Cause examines the impact of the recent redistricting cycle on Native American communities. “Stronger Together: Native Americans’ Fight for Fair Redistricting,” looks at the attempts to undermine the Native American vote through gerrymandering and how a number of them were foiled.

The report focuses particularly on Arizona, Alaska, South Dakota, Oregon, Minnesota, and New Mexico - states with some of the highest population share of Native Americans based on the 2020 Census. It highlights the...

PBS Wisconsin Here & Now (VIDEO): Jay Heck on ballot drop boxes and Wisconsin voters in 2024

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PBS Wisconsin Here & Now (VIDEO): Jay Heck on ballot drop boxes and Wisconsin voters in 2024

Frederica Freyberg:
So in your mind, should Wisconsin voters expect to see the use of absentee ballot drop boxes for upcoming elections, from what you heard in oral arguments?

Jay Heck:
Well, if the oral arguments are any indication about what the court might do, I am very positive or have a very good positive feeling about what the outcome might be. You know, one thing it’s important to note is that we have had drop boxes in Wisconsin for a number of years and of course, most famously during 2020, in the...

PolitiFact: FALSE “Voter fraud investigations are being banned by Michigan lawmakers!”

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PolitiFact: FALSE “Voter fraud investigations are being banned by Michigan lawmakers!”

Quentin Turner, executive director of Common Cause Michigan, a voting rights group, said recounts are handled by election administrators who lack the authority to investigate criminal fraud.

"Voter fraud is a crime and investigations into crime can only be done by law enforcement," Turner said.

Аризона: новый радикальный антиизбирательный законопроект направляется в Сенат


Аризона: новый радикальный антиизбирательный законопроект направляется в Сенат

Сегодня Комитет по выборам в Сенате Аризоны проголосовал за принятие HCR2056 с поправкой о забастовке, призванной разрушить процесс голосования и выборов в штате. Законопроект и его поправки были приняты 4-3 по партийным линиям и теперь направляются на голосование в палате представителей.

The Daily Beast: This Mysterious New GOP Dark Money Group Raises All Kinds of Red Flags

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The Daily Beast: This Mysterious New GOP Dark Money Group Raises All Kinds of Red Flags

“501(c)(4s) are social welfare organizations that increasingly have been misused to spend money for political purposes,” Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, told The Daily Beast. “Under the IRS tax code, they don't have to disclose their donors. And so that's why they've become a popular vehicle for people who are trying to use dark money to influence political outcomes.”

Watchdog groups have argued for years that the decision of three Republican commissioners to deadlock votes on enforcement...



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