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Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 


Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 

Вашингтон — Common Cause, беспартийная организация по надзору, опубликовала свою «Карту показателей демократии» за 2024 год, в которой зафиксирована поддержка каждым членом Конгресса права голоса, этики Верховного суда и других реформ.  

Контакты для СМИ

Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям

Ариана Мармолехо

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Запад)

Дженнифер Гарсия

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Юг)

Кенни Колстон

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Средний Запад)

Эксперты Common Cause по реформам демократии на национальном и государственном уровне часто выступают в качестве комментаторов в СМИ. Чтобы поговорить с одним из наших экспертов, свяжитесь с любым членом пресс-группы, указанной выше.


4028 результатов


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4028 результатов


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The Lever: Ron DeSantis’ Crusade Against Campaign Finance Laws

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The Lever: Ron DeSantis’ Crusade Against Campaign Finance Laws

Taken together, the group’s activities amount to “a complete end-run around our campaign finance rules, which are in place to curb corruption and the appearance of corruption,” said Stephen Spaulding, a vice president at the watchdog group Common Cause.

The New Yorker: How a Fringe Legal Theory Became a Threat to Democracy

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The New Yorker: How a Fringe Legal Theory Became a Threat to Democracy

Flight attendants use euphemistic doublespeak because, understandably, they want to avoid terms like “hijacking” and "September 11th.” For similar reasons, Jones spoke in broad terms, without directly invoking Trump or January 6th. (There were also other reasons for this, such as Common Cause’s nonpartisan status.) Even so, the implications were clear. At one point, an organizer sitting in the audience stood, using a cane, and gave an impromptu speech, urging listeners to imagine a Supreme Court opinion that enabled legislatures to rig...

Common Cause осуждает безответственное и опасное решение YouTube разрешить ложь о выборах


Common Cause осуждает безответственное и опасное решение YouTube разрешить ложь о выборах

Сегодня YouTube объявил, что отменит запрет на контент, поддерживающий отрицание выборов и дезинформацию о выборах 2020 года. Этот шаг был сделан на фоне того, что все больше кандидатов 2024 года (включая бывшего президента Трампа) участвуют в публичных мероприятиях, которые могут проводиться на платформе.

Texas Tribune/VoteBeat: Harris County elections face state intervention under new laws

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Texas Tribune/VoteBeat: Harris County elections face state intervention under new laws

Katya Ehresman, voting rights program director with Common Cause Texas, said voters, county officials and election administrators should have been given the opportunity to testify about legislation set to directly impact them.

Ehresman said that process was concerning and “against values of transparency and public input, which should be core parts of the legislative process.”

“These bills do have a tangible effect on voter turnout, voter apathy, and on the ability for elections administrators to do their job...

Tallahassee Democrat (Op-Ed): Florida Legislature and Gov. DeSantis are trampling on our voting rights

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Tallahassee Democrat (Op-Ed): Florida Legislature and Gov. DeSantis are trampling on our voting rights

If we want a democracy that works for everyone, we should be making it harder for money to influence politics, and easier for eligible Floridians to exercise their freedom to vote. 

But that’s the opposite of what’s happening in Florida, with state lawmakers erecting a slew of unnecessary and confusing barriers for Floridians looking to participate in our democracy.

States Newsroom/Wisconsin Examiner: GOP-led states plan new voter data systems to replace one they rejected. Good luck with that.

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States Newsroom/Wisconsin Examiner: GOP-led states plan new voter data systems to replace one they rejected. Good luck with that.

“We would have no problem with the state setting up something that followed federal law and somehow getting a bunch of other states to go along with it,” said Julia Vaughn, the executive director of Common Cause Indiana, which brought the lawsuit against the state. “But good luck doing that with one individual state with no real expertise in this, and no reputation as some entity that other states should trust their voter registration lists with.”

The Mercury News: Court upholds California’s anti-pay-to-play law barring votes benefiting campaign contributors

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The Mercury News: Court upholds California’s anti-pay-to-play law barring votes benefiting campaign contributors

The law was backed by the good governance organization California Common Cause, which described it as “a common sense and long overdue pro-democracy reform” that already exists in other states and in certain California cities.

Striking down the law would go against the “will of the people,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of California Common Cause.

“This law protects Californians from the pay-to-play corruption and the appearance of corruption that plagues our cities and counties, and...

Oregon Capital Chronicle (Op-Ed): Oregon legislative proposal would expand voter rolls

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Oregon Capital Chronicle (Op-Ed): Oregon legislative proposal would expand voter rolls

If we want Oregon elections to fully reflect the will of the people, then every eligible Oregonian who wants to participate should have easy access to register and vote.

Registering to vote shouldn’t be a chore – for you, me, or anyone else.

Common Cause подает краткий обзор Amicus, защищая независимое перераспределение округов в важном деле против джерримендеринга


Common Cause подает краткий обзор Amicus, защищая независимое перераспределение округов в важном деле против джерримендеринга

Common Cause подала в Верховный суд штата Юта краткую записку amicus, чтобы защитить комиссию по перераспределению избирательных округов, одобренную избирателями в 2018 году, в деле League of Women Voters of Utah против законодательного органа штата Юта. В краткой записке национальная антиджерримендеринговая группа подчеркивает, как штат проигнорировал волю народа, приняв закон, который навязывает беспристрастные карты голосования и отказывается от ключевых принципов справедливого перераспределения избирательных округов.

Times Union (Op-Ed): To boost voter participation, simplify wording on ballots

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Times Union (Op-Ed): To boost voter participation, simplify wording on ballots

In 2024, voters will again be faced with a slew of statewide ballot proposals on important topics. If we don’t pass the plain language bill before then, we run the risk that voters will be confused and discouraged and opt out of the process. Voters of all languages and literacy levels deserve equal access at the ballot box. 



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