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Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 


Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 

Вашингтон — Common Cause, беспартийная организация по надзору, опубликовала свою «Карту показателей демократии» за 2024 год, в которой зафиксирована поддержка каждым членом Конгресса права голоса, этики Верховного суда и других реформ.  

Контакты для СМИ

Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям

Ариана Мармолехо

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Запад)

Дженнифер Гарсия

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Юг)

Кенни Колстон

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Средний Запад)

Эксперты Common Cause по реформам демократии на национальном и государственном уровне часто выступают в качестве комментаторов в СМИ. Чтобы поговорить с одним из наших экспертов, свяжитесь с любым членом пресс-группы, указанной выше.


4028 результатов


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4028 результатов


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Arizona Indicts 2020 False Electors


Arizona Indicts 2020 False Electors

Today, Attorney General Kris Mayes announced she would be returning indictments for the Arizona Republicans who were involved with the “fake elector” scheme during the 2020 election. Among those indicted include former AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward, and sitting lawmakers Sen. Jake Hoffman and Sen. Anthony Kern.

Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer (Op-Ed): For the sake of our state, it’s time to pull out HB 6, root and branch

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Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer (Op-Ed): For the sake of our state, it’s time to pull out HB 6, root and branch

For the past four years, a heavy cloud has hung over Ohio and our state legislature in the form of House Bill 6 and disgraced former Speaker Larry Householder.

The HB 6 scheme has been a textbook example of corruption, embarrassing Ohioans with endless indictments, guilty verdicts and negative news stories. Now, four years later, it still dominates headlines, with the recent revelation of payments to conservative groups to support Gov. Mike DeWine, Lt. Gov. John Husted, and Senate President Matt Huffman.

Daily Beast: Trump’s New Legal Bills Are Hiding an $8 Million Mystery

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Daily Beast: Trump’s New Legal Bills Are Hiding an $8 Million Mystery

Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at good government watchdog Common Cause, agreed with Fischer’s assessment that the payments may violate reporting and corporate contribution laws.

“By a legal sleight of hand, it appears that Trump world is trying to hide the true recipients of these donations,” Scherb told The Daily Beast. He noted that corporations aren’t allowed to donate directly to these committees, and that corporations can’t reimburse contributors. The payments, Scherb said, must be...

Vanity Fair: Jack Smith’s One Job Is to Take Donald Trump to Trial Before the Election. (The Supreme Court May Not Let Him.)

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Vanity Fair: Jack Smith’s One Job Is to Take Donald Trump to Trial Before the Election. (The Supreme Court May Not Let Him.)

One voting rights group, Common Cause, had the wherewithal to spell out, in no uncertain terms, that the justices are already tipping the scales in favor of Trump and that the public would be well within its right to view the justices as partisan hacks if they drag things out any further. “If this Court’s delay in disposing of this appeal has the result of preventing the case from going to trial prior to the election—or going to trial at all—it would give many Americans the sense that the Court, through its arbitrary and unexplained...

«Оценка демократии» отслеживает поддержку законодателями продемократических законопроектов в 118-м Конгрессе


«Оценка демократии» отслеживает поддержку законодателями продемократических законопроектов в 118-м Конгрессе

With 2024 congressional races in full swing, Common Cause is again tracking the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. For the fifth cycle in a row, Members of the House and Senate have received letters from Common Cause asking them to co-sponsor and support up to ten democracy reform bills. The letters inform Members that their voting and co-sponsorship record will be published in Common Cause’s “Democracy Scorecard,” which will be distributed to the organization’s 1.5 million members, as...

Bloomberg: NY Court Will Publish Trump Criminal Trial Transcripts Online

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Bloomberg: NY Court Will Publish Trump Criminal Trial Transcripts Online

The announcement comes three days after Common Cause New York, which advocates for election and ethics reform, and New York Focus, a nonprofit newsroom, called for the state court system to make the transcripts available, noting that public access is limited as New York is one of the only state court systems that charge the media and public for courtroom transcripts.

“The longstanding issue of public access to court proceedings has been thrown into sharp relief by the Trump trial,” the organizations said Friday.

New York Times: New Group Joins the Political Fight Over Disinformation Online

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New York Times: New Group Joins the Political Fight Over Disinformation Online

“Disinformation will remain an issue as long as the strategic gains of engaging in it, promoting it and profiting from it outweigh consequences for spreading it,” Common Cause, the nonpartisan public interest group, wrote in a report published last week that warned of a new wave of disinformation around this year’s vote.

Новый отчет содержит предварительный обзор дезинформации о выборах 2024 года


Новый отчет содержит предварительный обзор дезинформации о выборах 2024 года

A new report from Common Cause examines the serious and growing threat posed by disinformation in the 2024 election. “Storm Watch: Protecting Voters from Disinformation in the 2024 Election” outlines what we have seen and what we anticipate in the months leading up to November 5, and beyond. The report points to the continuing critical need to combat election disinformation at a time when artificial intelligence (AI) has become more accessible and social media platforms have drastically reduced efforts to control the expanding threat to...




Сегодня 44 организации, представляющие Национальную коалицию по голосованию в тюрьмах, направили письмо членам Палаты представителей, призывая их стать соавторами Закона об инклюзивной демократии (IDA), законодательства, призванного положить конец лишению избирательных прав на федеральных выборах за совершение тяжких преступлений для лиц, отбывающих наказание в тюрьме и за ее пределами. Закон IDA был представлен в начале этого года конгрессменом Аянной Пресли (MA-7). В настоящее время у IDA 23 соавтора в Палате представителей, и он ожидает слушания.

Boston Globe: Public records undergird R.I.’s biggest news stories

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Boston Globe: Public records undergird R.I.’s biggest news stories

“There’s extreme public interest on what happened on that trip,” Common Cause Rhode Island Executive Director John M. Marion said, noting that one of the former state officials, David Patten, was recently fined $5,000 by the state Ethics Commission for accepting a free lunch at an upscale Sicilian restaurant during that trip. ”So great example of sort of how public records get us information that holds government officials accountable.”

Oregon Capital Insider: Oregon lawmakers pass first campaign finance limits in 50 years

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Oregon Capital Insider: Oregon lawmakers pass first campaign finance limits in 50 years

Kate Titus, executive director of Common Cause Oregon, said she never bought into the assumption that legislators could do nothing about regulating campaign finances.

“The question is not whether we can do anything to restrict the influence of big money. It is: Will we? I think what we have finally seen this legislative session is that we will,” Titus said. “What we passed here is not everything we need. There is still work to be done. But it is a big leap forward for Oregon.”

Yahoo! News/Texas Tribune: Most 18-year-old Texans aren’t signed up to vote despite a law requiring voter registration in high schools

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Yahoo! News/Texas Tribune: Most 18-year-old Texans aren’t signed up to vote despite a law requiring voter registration in high schools

Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas, noted that some states reward schools that register students. Tennessee acknowledges schools that reach a certain voter registration threshold, and Pennsylvania has a governor’s civic engagement award to celebrate schools that register 85% of eligible students to vote, for example.

Common Cause also recommends that the secretary of state’s office mail each school voter registration applications, instead of requiring schools to request them twice a year.



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