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Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 


Высокие баллы Вашингтона в рейтинге демократии Common Cause 2024 года 

Вашингтон — Common Cause, беспартийная организация по надзору, опубликовала свою «Карту показателей демократии» за 2024 год, в которой зафиксирована поддержка каждым членом Конгресса права голоса, этики Верховного суда и других реформ.  

Контакты для СМИ

Дэвид Вэнс

Национальный медиастратег

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям

Ариана Мармолехо

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Запад)

Дженнифер Гарсия

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Юг)

Кенни Колстон

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям (Средний Запад)

Эксперты Common Cause по реформам демократии на национальном и государственном уровне часто выступают в качестве комментаторов в СМИ. Чтобы поговорить с одним из наших экспертов, свяжитесь с любым членом пресс-группы, указанной выше.


4028 результатов


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4028 результатов


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Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: FirstEnergy made secret $1 million payment for ‘Husted campaign’ in 2017, documents show

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Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: FirstEnergy made secret $1 million payment for ‘Husted campaign’ in 2017, documents show

Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, said the records showing the payment is another example of why Ohio needs greater transparency in political spending. We're still learning about public officials proximity to a bribery scandal after years of a swarm of criminal, civil, and regulatory investigations, she said.

The complicated picture is a feature and not a bug, she said. The system is built to hide malfeasance.

"What we do know from this is the governor and lieutenant governor are very...

Washington Times: Defendants not named ‘Trump’ usually go to trial years after indictment

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Washington Times: Defendants not named ‘Trump’ usually go to trial years after indictment

Meanwhile, the fair election advocacy group Common Cause filed a brief supporting Mr. Smith at the Supreme Court in the D.C. case over Mr. Trump's claim of absolute immunity, saying the justices must decide the issue swiftly so the trial can take place before the November election and, ironically, so politics don't appear to be at play.

"The American people deserve a trial and a verdict on these serious charges before they go to the polls in November," said Virginia Kase Solomón, president of Common Cause. "The presumptive...

«Общее дело» призывает Верховный суд США быстро вынести решение по делу Трампа против США, чтобы избежать восприятия предвзятости


«Общее дело» призывает Верховный суд США быстро вынести решение по делу Трампа против США, чтобы избежать восприятия предвзятости

Сегодня организация Common Cause подала в Верховный суд США письменное ходатайство, призывая суд безотлагательно вынести решение по делу Дональда Дж. Трампа против Соединенных Штатов, чтобы избежать подозрений в политической предвзятости и разрешить провести судебное разбирательство по делу бывшего президента в суде низшей инстанции по обвинениям в заговоре и коррупции до президентских выборов в ноябре.

PolitiFact: FALSE: Texas found that 95,000 noncitizens were registered to vote.

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PolitiFact: FALSE: Texas found that 95,000 noncitizens were registered to vote.

"For those of us who’ve worked in Texas politics for years, it was a huge deal because you almost never see a gubernatorial appointee fail to get confirmed by the state senate," Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a voting advocacy group, told PolitiFact. "It goes to show just how wildly false their claim of 95,000 non-citizens being on the voter rolls was that it resulted in the Republican-dominated Texas Legislature refusing to confirm the nomination of the Republican governor."

Salon/Yahoo! News: Rebooting digital equality: FCC to restore net neutrality, reversing Trump-era repeal

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Salon/Yahoo! News: Rebooting digital equality: FCC to restore net neutrality, reversing Trump-era repeal

Government watchdog group Common Cause has long championed net neutrality protections, arguing that the rules protect the public's right to the equal access of publicly-funded internet infrastructure.

“The internet is a gateway to democracy for many and every voter has the right to a free and fair internet. From looking up information about candidates to finding polling sites, this net neutrality proposal will make it easier for every voter to participate in our modern democracy. We strongly encourage the FCC to restore net...

Washington Post: Законодатели Небраски голосуют против инициированного Трампом изменения системы голосования на выборах

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Washington Post: Законодатели Небраски голосуют против инициированного Трампом изменения системы голосования на выборах

«До вчерашнего дня это вообще не обсуждалось, а потом внезапно все взорвалось, и несколько наших законодателей, ориентированных на процесс, заняли скептическую позицию», — сказал Гэвин Гейс, исполнительный директор Common Cause Nebraska.

Star Tribune/Yahoo! News: ‘Book Senator Hoffman to speak’: DFL state senator’s consulting firm raises ethical questions

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Star Tribune/Yahoo! News: ‘Book Senator Hoffman to speak’: DFL state senator’s consulting firm raises ethical questions

Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera, executive director of Common Cause Minnesota, a nonprofit that advocates for government transparency, also had concerns. She said, "Sen. Hoffman's use of this title for marketing his consulting business as 'senator', along with the use of pictures taken while at the Capitol campus, can arguably be seen as him leveraging his public role for private gain."

Belladonna-Carrera suggested the legislative branch could benefit from having clearer rules for lawmakers.

"This branch of...

NBC News: Wisconsin voters approve two GOP-backed ballot measures that will change how elections are run

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NBC News: Wisconsin voters approve two GOP-backed ballot measures that will change how elections are run

“In the April elections Wisconsin tends to have low turnout, and not many people are going to look at these [closely]. Maybe they’ll read it and think, ‘yeah, that sounds reasonable,’” Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, the state’s branch of the national nonpartisan government watchdog group, said ahead of the results. “But they are both the product of election denial.”

Their impact could be notable, Heck suggested. With avenues for additional funding roped off, and with the scope of who...

CBS/Associated Press: Writing the wrong date on your mail-in ballot in Pa. could get your vote thrown out, judges rule

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CBS/Associated Press: Writing the wrong date on your mail-in ballot in Pa. could get your vote thrown out, judges rule

Common Cause Pennsylvania issued this statement about the ruling:

"This ruling means that counties will be permitted to throw out ballots that were submitted in time, for reasons irrelevant to the voters' eligibility to vote. We are disheartened by this ruling and maintain our position that every voter who makes the effort to participate should have their vote counted. But our work will continue regardless. Though this ruling will undoubtedly have a negative impact on elderly voters and voters of color, we will work with...

Miami Herald/Orlando Sentinel (Editorial): Lawmakers make it easier for corruption to flourish

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Miami Herald/Orlando Sentinel (Editorial): Lawmakers make it easier for corruption to flourish

Common Cause Florida and eight other groups are urging DeSantis to veto the bill, calling the personal knowledge standard “an unreasonably high evidentiary hurdle that has never existed in the 50-year history of the Commission. Instead, complaints should continue to require the filer to certify that the information is true to the best of their knowledge, which already discourages false and frivolous complaints.”



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