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Common Cause Scores Florida Supreme Court Victory on Redistricting Transparency

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Common Cause Scores Florida Supreme Court Victory on Redistricting Transparency

The Florida Supreme Court ruled this week that documents detailing an unlawful redistricting collaboration between Florida legislators and a partisan political consultant must be released to the public.

John Oliver on Net Neutrality

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John Oliver on Net Neutrality

Everyone's talking about net neutrality this week, so we thought we'd take a look back to the hilarious send-up John Oliver did of the issue last summer. He explains what's going on, tells us what's at stake, and urges hordes of internet commenters to direct their outrage towards the FCC's public comment process.

Net Neutrality Foes Spent Millions In 2014

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Net Neutrality Foes Spent Millions In 2014

By now you have probably heard of “net neutrality.” Net neutrality, which would guarantee everyone equal access to the open internet, is a policy the Federal Communications Commission is currently considering and is supported by 81% of Americans, including a majority of Republicans.

SCOTUS Takes on Redistricting in Alabama Case

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SCOTUS Takes on Redistricting in Alabama Case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in a combined case challenging Alabama’s state legislative districts as an illegal racial gerrymander.

Supreme Court Takes on Redistricting In Alabama Case

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Supreme Court Takes on Redistricting In Alabama Case

The Supreme Court is considering whether Alabama grouped African-American voters into a few districts to enhance Republican prospects in other, mostly white districts.

Getting into the habit of democracy

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Getting into the habit of democracy

Our country, too, needs to instill new habits. For the past few decades, and particularly over the past couple of years, our collective civic engagement has suffered. We just don’t have down the habit of democracy.

President Obama calls for full net neutrality

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President Obama calls for full net neutrality

Those of us fighting for a free and open Internet got some good news this morning. President Obama just reiterated his strong stance on net neutrality, and asked FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to reclassify broadband internet as a telecommunications service.

Gearing Up for Election Day Protection

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Gearing Up for Election Day Protection

As a legal intern at Common Cause this fall,,I had an exciting and important chance to work on Election Protection.

Tallahassee Makes History

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Tallahassee Makes History

Last Tuesday, the City of Tallahassee passed a landmark anti-corruption ballot measure that stops political bribery, exposes dark money, and empowers every voter to be heard -- the first of its kind in the nation.

Now What?

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Now What?

Election Protection, a non-partisan hotline through which volunteers troubleshoot polling place problems and provide voters with information, received twice as many inquiries and complaints on Tuesday as it had during the last mid-term election in 2010.

Timeline of the 2014 ALEC Exodus

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Timeline of the 2014 ALEC Exodus

Over the last few months, numerous companies have left ALEC over ALEC’s denial climate change and its secretive operations. Here is a time of the recent ALEC exodus:

See who spent the most on Election 2014

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See who spent the most on Election 2014

Last night's election was the most expensive midterm in our nation's history -- OpenSecrets.org compiled a list of the 25 biggest spenders.



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