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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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Los Angeles One Step Closer to Citizen United Ballot Measure

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Los Angeles One Step Closer to Citizen United Ballot Measure

"I expect dozens of cities will now give voters a chance to speak out against the false premise that corporations are people and that unlimited campaign spending is free speech," said Derek Cressman, director of Common Cause's Campaign to Reverse Citizens United. As per City Charter for the passage of ordinances, since the ordinance did not receive 12 unanimous votes "‘ only 9 on its first reading, this ordinance will be held over for one week, to be placed on the agenda for Tuesday, February 5, 2013. On February 5, eight votes will be...

LA Daily News Editorial: Disclose donors – State Senate bill would close nonprofit loophole

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LA Daily News Editorial: Disclose donors – State Senate bill would close nonprofit loophole

It took $11 million dollars to get the Legislature's attention. LA Daily News editorializes on the need for stronger campaign disclosure laws in California. Common Cause is at the front lines pushing for legislation to close loopholes and to shine a light on dark money.

Kickstarter, Clapper, and Inertia

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Kickstarter, Clapper, and Inertia

Both James Clapper and Kickstarter abdicated their core principles -- but only one apologized.

Just Vote!

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Just Vote!

For some of us, this is our first opportunity to exercise our voices in government, and I suggest we use it.

Jumping in as an Intern

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Jumping in as an Intern

Before starting the internship, I honestly did not know what to expect. Until two days ago, I never stepped foot in Sacramento and I felt entirely oblivious to the ins and outs of California politics other than what I saw on the news and read on political blogs. I was jumping in with both feet into the world of California policy and lobbying.



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