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1786 Результатов


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1786 Результатов


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PHOTOS: Americans #RejectTheCoverup

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PHOTOS: Americans #RejectTheCoverup

Moments after the Senate ended its sham impeachment trial...
something extraordinary happened.

8 Things to Do If You Are Outraged at the Impeachment Trial

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8 Things to Do If You Are Outraged at the Impeachment Trial

It looks like the Senate will acquit Trump after blocking witnesses, but there are still things we can do to reform our democracy.

2020 Presidential Candidate Forum on Democracy

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2020 Presidential Candidate Forum on Democracy

On Sunday starting at 4:00 P.M. Eastern (3:00 P.M Central), this page will livestream as 2020 presidential candidates Senator Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Andrew Yang and John Delaney will gather in Des Moines, Iowa to discuss their plans to strengthen our democracy. Scroll down for the live stream.

2020: Year of Decision

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2020: Year of Decision

In 2019, we witnessed one pillar after another being ripped from under the institutions that support our democracy. We saw giant steps backward on communications, media, health, education, environment, voting rights, court appointments, money in politics, equal opportunity, women’s rights, labor rights… the list goes on and on.

Fair Districts for Nevada

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Fair Districts for Nevada

Grassroots activists are preparing to gather signatures in support of a ballot initiative that would take the power to draw congressional and state legislative districts away from legislators, and give it to an independent citizen redistricting commission.

The decision is in. And it’s a WIN!

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The decision is in. And it’s a WIN!

Common Cause v. Lewis. Common Cause members delivered a big win to North Carolina voters in September when a panel of three judges ruled unanimously in our favor: The Republican-controlled state legislature had in fact gerrymandered districts in violation of the state constitution.

You Want the Truth!

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You Want the Truth!

On July 24, following the testimony of Robert Mueller, Common Cause called for an impeachment investigation. Clearly there were questions unanswered, and Common Cause members wanted to know the truth.

Pennsylvania voting reforms will help college students

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Pennsylvania voting reforms will help college students

Pennsylvania's new voting reform package makes voting easier for all Pennsylvanians, including students, and increases access to our democracy.



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