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Volunteer Spotlight

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Volunteer Spotlight


Help make sure your Common Cause always has resources at the ready.

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Help make sure your Common Cause always has resources at the ready.

WHEN A LAWSUIT NEEDS TO BE FILED IMMEDIATELY TO STOP AN INJUSTICE, or when a legislature calls a midnight session and Members need to be mobilized at a moment’s notice, it’s the steady, dependable support of monthly donors who give us the power to act quickly and effectively.

In Their Own Words

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In Their Own Words

Peggy donates her time to organizing community volunteers to help children in underserved schools improve their reading skills. And Jared, a retired pediatric oncologist, travels to the developing world to offer his medical skills to families in need

Members Take on Koch Brothers

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Members Take on Koch Brothers

Common Cause members are making their voices heard as the battle here heats up over secret money and citizen-funded elections that shift power from wealthy special interests to the people, where it belongs.

Lawmakers Push to Boost Census Funding

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Lawmakers Push to Boost Census Funding

A group of lawmakers launched an effort Wednesday to increase Census Bureau funding by $438 million in order to accurately conduct the 2020 census

Robert Reich: How Tyranny Begins

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Robert Reich: How Tyranny Begins

Common Cause's national chairman warns of the danger in President Trump's attacks on the media

California’s New Disclose Act Sets Example for the Nation

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California’s New Disclose Act Sets Example for the Nation

California prides itself on being an incubator for democracy reform, so perhaps there’s reason to hope that the state’s attack this week on the scourge of “dark money” in our elections will spread across the country.

Mike Pence’s Sunday Stunt

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Mike Pence’s Sunday Stunt

The vice president's gesture of 'respect' for the flag betrays disrespect for the Americans he's supposed to be serving

New Report Debunks IRS ‘Scandal’

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New Report Debunks IRS ‘Scandal’

It turns out that liberal and conservative non-profit groups got pretty much the same treatment – slow - from the tax man during the Obama years, the Treasury Department Inspector General has concluded.

High Court Could End Partisan Gerrymandering

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High Court Could End Partisan Gerrymandering

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger joined opponents of partisan gerrymandering in a rally outside the Supreme Court this morning.



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